Page 22 - Spring2015
P. 22

Today all of          Kellogg ran the Battle Creek health sana-  tal in helping me fill in the gaps of my nutritional

            the popular       torium in Michigan, which was owned and  awareness to address the growing problems
                              operated by Seventh Day Adventists. At the sana-
                                                                         associated with vegan diets. Many discussions
                cleansing  torium, Kellogg recommended yogurt enemas,  with natural health education colleagues such as
        methods focus         strict vegetarianism and a bland diet because he  Carlo Gugliermo, Steve Gagne, and Steve Acuff
         on stimulating       believed that spicy, protein-rich foods increased  were also extremely helpful as they had walked
                              sex drive while bland foods reduced it. He and  a similar road.
          the organs of  his brother developed flaked cereals along with     As I awoke from my dietary dream, I saw an
            elimination.      a number of super-bland foods for consumption  explosion of methods that I had followed—lots of
                  For the     at the sanatorium including, by accident in 1896,  health gurus promoting cleansing through diet,
                              corn flakes. Corn flakes, with their high fiber  remedies, fasting, and a host of other means.
             majority of  content, were created to be an anti-aphrodisiac.  Cleansing has become big business, promoted
           people these           In the early twentieth century, John Tilden  by everyone from Dr. Oz to the Juice Man and,
          methods can         and others promoted many ideas to cleanse the  of course, late night infomercials. Books and
                              body of toxins. Toxemia or blood pollution was  websites advertising everyone’s favorite cleanses
               have very  thought to be the cause of all diseases. Cleansing  as the answer to weight loss, healing all kinds of
             detrimental      through diet, fasting, juicing, herbs, colonics,  diseases, and anti-aging have taken off.
                                                                            Even when I was promoting a vegan-style
               effects on     exercise and other methods were taught to be    diet as a cleansing method, I was suspicious of
                              the cures.
                   health.        During this time, many erroneous nutrition-  cleansing protocols. My suspicions arose from
                              al theories were conceived to explain the cause  the teachings of oriental medicines. In ancient
                              of toxemia. These included concepts such as the  oriental medicines there are two basic approaches
                              putrefying effect from eating meat and dairy  to cleansing therapies. One can cleanse by tak-
                              foods, an improper balance of acid and alkaline  ing substances that speed up the function of the
                              foods, the supremacy of vegan diets, and various  elimination organs such as the colon, liver, and
                              food-combining theories. I’ll explain why these  kidneys, or one can cleanse toxins by strength-
                              theories hold no water later in this article. Un-  ening the function of these same organs through
                              fortunately, these ideas are still promoted today  food, lifestyle practices, herbs and exercise. The
                              by many contemporary proponents of cleansing  second method was considered the most basic
                              protocols.                                 and safer way of getting rid of toxins. The first
                                                                         method was only recommended for very strong
                              THE MODERN CLEAN-UP                        people.
                                  For decades I was a teacher, counselor, and     Today all of the popular cleansing methods
                              promoter of a primarily vegan diet for cleansing  focus on stimulating, rather than strengthening,
                              and better health. I have to admit that I taught  the organs of elimination. For the majority of
                              most of the theories listed above—except for  people, these methods can have very detrimental
                              Kellogg’s theories on sex. I saw first-hand that  effects on health.
                              in most cases not only did the vegan approach
                              not clear toxins from the body but in many cases  TRUTH AND MYTHS ABOUT TOXINS
                              did not promote healing. I had my epiphany that     The truth about toxins is that we live in a
                              something was wrong when one of my teachers,  very polluted world. Air and water pollutants
                              Aveline Kushi, developed cancer. Over time,  abound. There are chemicals in our food, our
                              everyone I encountered on an unsupplemented  homes, our household products, body care prod-
                              vegan-leaning diet either developed illness or  ucts, and in our environments. There is evidence
                              poor health. In recent years, several prominent  that these toxins can accumulate in the body
                              teachers of a vegan-style macrobiotic diet died  causing harm.
                              at younger ages than the average person from     Ridding the body of toxins can be a very
                              serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease.  important part of healing diseases. The problems
                              Sally Fallon’s book, Nourishing Traditions, and  with the most popular detoxing approaches today
                              the Weston A. Price Foundation were instrumen-  arise from the methods being used. Just about
         20                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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