Page 24 - Spring2015
P. 24

The ironic fact      in the 1920s. Herbert Shelton wrote one of the  The popular method in acid-alkaline circles of

        is that many of       early bibles on food combining in the thirties.  measuring urine or saliva pH does not reflect
                              The book, Fit for Life, by Harvey and Marilyn  the blood pH. For more information, read Chris
         the foods that  Diamond, brought back food combining in the  Kresser’s excellent articles  that explain the
         people restrict      eighties. Contemporary versions of food combin-  science that invalidates the myths of the acid-
           in their diets     ing are promoted in the Body Ecology Diet and  alkaline theory.
                              even by Dr. Mercola.
          are necessary           The basic theory behind food combining is  NECESSARY NUTRIENTS
         for the proper       that foods with different concentrated nutrients     The ironic fact is that many of the foods that
         functioning of       have different digestive demands. It is thought  people restrict in their diets are necessary for the
                              that if foods with concentrated protein such as  proper functioning of the organs of elimination,
          the organs of  meat or poultry are eaten with grains, they will  and cutting such foods out of the diet weakens
            elimination,      rot in the stomach rather than undergo digestion.  these organs.
                                  Even years ago, before knowing as much as
                                                                            Protein in the concentrated forms of meats is
             and cutting        I do now about the science of digestion, I thought  needed for colon health. Cholesterol is needed for
              such foods  that food combining was an odd idea. I couldn’t  liver and gall bladder function. Saturated fats aid
         out of the diet      imagine our ancestors thinking much about food  the functioning of the kidneys, colon and lungs.

        weakens these         combinations when deciding what to eat. The  Sugars and starches are needed for the liver and
                              evidence of what traditional peoples ate around  all the organs.
                  organs.  the world shows that they didn’t consider this     For many reasons, people may feel good
                              when choosing their foods. All combinations of  when they first embark on one of the restricted
                              foods were eaten in the healthiest and longest-  diets. One major reason is the rush of energy that
                              lived cultures.                            comes from the catabolic hormones, adrenaline
                                  When following food combining principles,  and cortisol. These hormones liberate energy
                              one’s diet becomes extremely low in protein,  into the body and mind. Initially, this stress reac-
                              carbohydrates and calories. There is no solid  tion feels good. Reducing chemicals, pesticides,
                              science behind food combining. The scientific  and high amounts of refined sugars is another
                              evidence demonstrates that all foods are digested  reason for people’s positive experience. Eating
                              successfully together.                     more vegetables as the acid-alkaline and vegan
                                  Early food combining theories were based  proponents suggest is a healthy practice.
                              on incomplete science and for some dubious     Eventually, though, most people fail with all
                              reason, these outdated ideas keep returning. The  dietary restrictions whether it is carbs, sugars,
                              key to digestion is adequate stomach acid and a  or meats. The body needs an array of nutrients
                              healthy, active metabolism.                to function well. My experience from carrying
                                                                         out thousands of personal health consultations
                              ACID-ALKALINE                              is that the body needs all the macronutrients—
                                  The acid-alkaline theory also severely limits  carbohydrates, fats, and proteins—in substantial
                              both one’s diet and health. The idea behind it  amounts, with smaller amounts of vitamins,
                              is that we must eat an alkaline diet to keep our  minerals and other nutrients.
                              blood alkaline. According to the acid-alkaline     Appetite, taste and an understanding of the
                              proponents, acidic blood causes all manner of  overall effects of foods are the best indicators
                              diseases. They say that eating more alkaline  as to what we should eat. It is important that no
                              foods, such as fruits and vegetables, is the key  major category of food be left out. Even people
                              to good health.                            who are eating traditional nutrient-dense foods
                                  The reality is that we can’t regulate our acid-  should vary the frequency and quanity in the
                              alkaline state by diet. The kidneys regulate our  diet of the important and necessary concentrated
                              acid-alkaline status. The kidneys are aided in  foods such as liver, butter, meat and other similar
                              this by lung function. One nutrient that aids the  foods to ensure long-term health. One size never
                              kidneys in maintaining an acid-alkaline balance  fits all. A nutritionally complete diet with vari-
                              is adequate complete protein from animal foods.  ability over time is important for everyone.
         22                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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