Page 27 - Spring2015
P. 27
When the body is in a stress mode, all effect of eating and living in a healthy way that supports detoxification is
systems of the body lose their proper function- vibrant health.
ing. Natural lifestyle practices along with diet
aid in countering stress. The right amount of John Kozinski has been a pioneer natural health teacher, author, and
moderate exercise, being outside especially in researcher since 1976. Education and diagnostic techniques are rooted in
the sun, stress-reducing practices such as yoga, his clinical experience with 40,000+ students and clients. John resigned in
meditation and quigong, good sleep, engaging 2013 from the Kushi Institute faculty after 27 years. To address catastrophic
in activities, including work, that you love, and illness that developed in those following restrictive natural diets John
a good mental approach help us to thrive and reveals in a new training program his clinical experience and research
quickly restore balance in times of stress. These into what was really working and why for people following popular diets.
activities keep the metabolism high to fuel proper This education gives teachers, health practitioners, and students new
detoxification. skills to help evaluate and treat a wide variety of health conditions both
Some people need extra nutrients and herbs naturally and complementary to medical treatments. www.macrobiotic.
to aid in detoxification and natural cleansing. com (413) 623-5925.
Cleansing nutrients and herbs include vitamin
C, alpha lipoic acid, B-complex vitamins, RESOURCES
milk thistle, dandelion root, and triphala (an 1. Chris Kresser:
Ayurvedic herbal combination). 2. Anthony Colpo “Whole Grains, Empty Promises” eBook
The elements of health listed above support 3. Hyponatremia
the body’s natural cleansing ability. Unlike the 4. Jean Michel-Cousteau:Call of the Killer Whale (1:18:18 Pilot Study Results)http://video.
dangerous cleansing methods that are popular 5.
and outlined in this article, the marvelous side
In my clinical experience, the visual signs that indicate a condition that needs more eliminative herbs, supplements
or foods are the following: a consistent overly loud voice, a red face, hard and rigid pressure points used in acupressure
or oriental medicine, strong body odors, a strong pulse, and a thick yellow coating on the tongue. In oriental medicines,
these are signs of heat from excess energy. In diet, this excess condition arises from over consumption of poor quality
foods such as meats, vegetable oils, commercial cheeses, and a lack of vegetables and fruits over many years.
A person with this type of condition can benefit from taking in foods, herbs and supplements that stimulate the
liver, large intestine, and kidneys to function more strongly. Lighter forms of animal foods such as poultry and fish, raw
vegetables and fruits, beets, fermented drinks that are stimulating such as kombucha and beet kvass will cool the body
through the stimulation of these elimination organs. Higher doses of vitamin C and bitter herbs such as dandelion and
Oregon grape root will also stimulate these organs to eliminate the excess energy. How long a person emphasizes these
foods, herbs and supplements depends on the degree of excess in the body.
Signs of deficiency include a weak voice, pale skin, a slumping posture, weak pulse, pale tongue, lack of vitality,
clear urine, thin cheeks, and dark circles or bags under the eyes. These signs indicate the person has either been run-
ning on empty (not eating enough), using stimulants such as coffee, drugs, and sugars to function, or has not been eating
nourishing foods.
Habits that create this condition include eating a nutrient-deficient and/or calorie-deficient diet or a diet that is
lacking the maxi nutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. People who have been on vegan or raw foods diets
for many years or those who have the habit of under-eating, dieting, not eating adequate animal products, not getting
enough sleep, over-exercising or working long hours will create a condition of energy drain or deficiency.
This type of person needs to eat a nourishing diet of properly prepared whole grains, cooked vegetables, natural
animal foods and dairy at every meal including naturally-raised beef and lamb more often, saturated fats, less sweet
foods and no raw foods until the strength of the body and mind returns. Rest and sleep are essential.
Digestive aids in the form of pancreatic enzymes, Chinese formulas containing ginseng or ginseng-like roots such
as Ten Tastes Tea, cod liver oil, liver pills and B are helpful to restore this kind of deficient state.
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 25
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