Page 23 - Spring2015
P. 23

all of the cleansing methods promoted today do  acid. Stomach acid is essential for the digestion of   Various foods
          not cleanse the body of the chemicals that we  all proteins. In the presence of adequate stomach
          are exposed to. I will explain why most of these  acid, the protease enzyme pepsin is produced,   are claimed to
          methods cause real harm to overall health by  which initiates the digestion of protein.   clog the colon,
          weakening the organs of elimination and ham-     When the stomach pH is low enough, that is,   but there is
          pering or even halting the healing process.   when it is acidic enough, enzymes are produced
              There is some truth to the saying that you  by the pancreas to break down fats, carbohy-  no scientific
          don’t see the things you aren’t looking for. Af-  drates and proteins. When meats or high protein   evidence that
          ter my epiphany about my mostly vegan diet, I  animal products enter the small intestine, pancre-  this really
          started to see more evidence that this was not  atic enzymes that break down fats and proteins
          a good way to eat for cleansing or for overall  mix with these foods. The amino acids or protein   happens.
          health.                                   components of the meat are then absorbed by the
              My wife and I were amazed when watching  small intestine. By the time what is left of the
          a documentary on ocean pollution by environ-  meat or any animal foods enters the colon (large
          mentalist, explorer, and film maker, Jean Michel  intestine), it has been completely digested.
          Cousteau. Jean Michel found large amounts of     Some people do have trouble digesting some
          human-made environmental pollutants when  animal proteins, especially dairy products, but
          testing killer whales and harbor seals. He then  the protein that is the most difficult to digest is
          decided to test his staff. His vegan-style vegetar-  wheat gliadin, a vegetable protein. The food that
          ian assistant and her son had the highest level of  rots in the colon is the darling of the natural foods
          certain environmental pollutants in their bodies,  movement: fiber.
          while Jean Michel’s other assistant, who stated     Here is an interesting fact that contradicts
          she ate everything except fish, had low levels.   what the “meat-clogs-the-colon” proponents
              This point was brought home to me when  suggest: protein-rich foods such as meat, poultry,
          one of my clients, through testing by a holistic  fish, eggs and other animal-source foods cause
          doctor, was found to have high levels of a con-  the stomach to produce adequate amounts of
          taminant from gasoline in her body. She showed  stomach acid. Without adequate stomach acid,
          me the supplement that was recommended by her  the pancreas does not produce sufficient diges-
          doctor to remove this toxin from her body. The  tive enzymes. If high-protein foods are not eaten,
          main active ingredients were two amino acids.  digestion suffers due to low stomach acid.
          I found it fascinating that these amino acids are     Vegan diets are very low in complete pro-
          only found in animal products.            teins because grains, beans, and vegetables have
                                                    very small amounts of proteins. I have found that
          MEAT AND THE COLON                        vegetarian protein sources are good complemen-
              Many dietary restrictions are being used  tary protein sources if adequate complete protein
          today in the name of cleansing. Depending on  sources are consumed, ideally from meat, poul-
          the teachings of the diet gurus, the avoidance  try, fish or other animal-source foods.
          of sugar, salt, dairy, saturated fats, all fats, red     In my counseling practice I have commonly
          meat, all meat, or other categories of foods will  found many vegans or near vegans to have di-
          be recommended in order to cleanse the body.  gestive disorders from a lack of stomach acid
              For most people, the foods the diet gurus  because of inadequate protein in their diets. Eat-
          condemn are handled easily by the body. Various  ing some complete protein from animal sources
          foods are claimed to clog the colon, but there is  at every meal helps you digest all the food in the
          no scientific evidence that this really happens.  meal more completely.
              Vegan advocates promote the idea that meat,
          and by association all animal products, rot in the  FOOD COMBINING
          colon creating toxins, or toxemia, which interfere     Closely related to the “meat-and-dairy-rots-
          with the elimination of environmental toxins and  in-the-colon” theories of cleansing are the food
          create illness. In reality, protein-rich foods such  combining and acid-alkaline theories. Food
          as meats stimulate the production of stomach  combining was first popularized by William Hay
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           21

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