Page 18 - Spring2015
P. 18
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
DIRECT ROLE FOR VITAMIN A genetic epidemiology for a long time before they admit that
Here at WAPF, we keep our members abreast of research on something as simple as cod liver oil and butter could protect
vitamin A—a maligned but vital nutrient. Vitamin A is criti- our children from deadly disease.
cal for fetal growth and development, for hormone creation,
for neurological function, for normal reproduction, and for FEEL GOOD WITH BEEF
healthy eyes, skin and bones—to name just a few of its func- A 2010 study looked at the extent to which the high preva-
tions. A recently-published study suggests that vitamin A may lence of mental disorders is related to habitual diet in over
play a more direct role than was previously known in certain one thousand women ages twenty to ninety-three years ran-
physiological functions, including sperm cell formation, the domly selected from the population (Am J Psychiatry. 2010
development of the central nervous system and the regula- Mar;167(3):305-11 ). “One of the hypotheses that I had during
tion of hemoglobin production in the embryo. Vitamin A is my PhD was that increased intake of animal foods would be
involved in nuclear receptor signaling pathways, a process toxic and would be associated with more mental disorders,”
that activates genes in the human body (J Biol Chem. 2011 said principal author Felice Jacka. “This did not turn out to
Jan 28;286(4):2877-85). What this means is that vitamin A be the case. In our study, out of every single dietary food
plays a critical role in genetic expression, and implies that grouping that I looked at, including vegetables, fruits, salads,
many so-called heredity conditions might be due to vitamin beans, etc., the strongest correlate of mental health was red
A deficiency. Unfortunately, there are millions of dollars out meat intake. Consistently, women who have less than the
there for genetic research, but not a cent for a campaign to recommended intake of red meat seem to be in an increased
tell people to eat vitamin A-rich foods like liver, cod liver oil risk for common mental disorders (like anxiety and depres-
and butter and egg yolks from pastured animals. sion) and bipolar disorder. Women only need a small amount
(a palm-sized serving) three or four times a week.” These are
ACUTE FLACCID MYELITIS pretty profound results, especially today, with the constant
The term may be unfamiliar, but it describes a “polio-like” barrage of propaganda urging us to eat no red meat or to eat
paralysis that afflicted over one hundred children in 2014. Fol- less. Red meat provides complete amino acids, zinc, iron and
lowing flu-like symptoms, children end up with one or more omega-3 fatty acids—all important for depression and anxiety.
limbs paralyzed or even with complete paralysis from the neck
down. MRI scans show distinctive damage to a specific part TOXIC OXALATE CRYSTALS
of the spinal cord, a classic feature of polio. Researchers are Green smoothies are all the rage these days, as a way to
at a loss to explain the disease. If it is caused by a virus, why “cleanse the body” and “improve the diet.” The problem is
do most members of a family escape the disease while oth- that the recommended ingredients for such concoctions are
ers contract it? "Maybe it's the host, and the virus is a trigger foods high in oxalates, such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard
that sets off the paralysis. . . Maybe it's something in their and arugula—often as high as 10 percent of the dry weight.
genetic makeup," says Priya Duggal, a genetic epidemiologist Oxalic acid is an extremely acidic organic acid that traps heavy
at Johns Hopkins University (“Mystery paralysis in children metals like mercury and lead, and deposits them in a variety
is perplexing parents—and researchers,” Washington Post, of tissues throughout the body—so much for leafy greens
March 3, 2015). Others point to exposure to pesticides and being "alkaline" and "cleansing" to the body. William Shaw,
neurotoxins like DDT as cause of sudden onset paralysis. And PhD, reports consistently finding high urine oxalate levels in
what do viruses and toxins have in common? Both deplete kidney stone patients consuming a lot of raw spinach or green
vitamin A or interfere with vitamin A pathways. Could vita- smoothies. Other side effects of oxalates include reproduc-
min A deficiency—rather than genetic makeup—be the key tive problems, reduced calcium in bones and teeth, anemia,
factor that determines whether a child becomes paralyzed immunosuppression, stroke, atherosclerosis, endothelial cell
after exposure to viruses or toxins? One thing's for sure, re- dysfunction and fibromyalgia. Urine tests consistently show
searchers will continue to roam around in the dense forest of high oxalate levels in individuals with autism, kidney disease,
16 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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