Page 15 - Spring2015
P. 15


          WAPF FOR DANCERS                   suspect is gout, very painful. I did talk to  which meets all of our dairy require-
              As a dancer, I always struggled  her about it. She told me that her doctor  ments, the dairy also provides curds to
          to maintain my energy levels and my  advised her not to eat meat or fat, only  feed poultry and whey for pigs, poultry
          physical and mental health. My health  vegetables and fruits, impossible for her  follow cows around the pasture or they
          hit an all-time low the summer before  in the land of beef production. I asked  are in forest gardens, pigs are free-range
          my senior year, while I was living in  about the diet of her grandparents. It was  or in perennial polyculture systems,
          Phoenix dancing with Ballet Arizona.  soups, vegetables, fish, a little meat and  we catch fish in our river, we eat our
          I was attempting raw veganism, and I  fruits. They used to keep a cow so they  own  lamb,  beef,  pork,  poultry  and
          grew very thin and had no energy for  had raw dairy for sure. I suggested eat-  wild goat, all grazed following holistic
          ballet, let alone energy to put towards  ing what they ate in those days but that  management practices, and perennial
          living a vibrant, joyful life. I searched  is too radical a concept; they are fixated  polycultures. We grow nutrient dense
          for answers, and finally I discovered the  on the all-American supermarket diet.  vegetables and fruit and nuts and are
          Weston A. Price Foundation.        Huge bottles of Coca Cola and jars of  experts in this field. We are all currently
              I spent last year recovering by ap-  mayonnaise appear at every meal time.  gardeners although we recognize that
          plying the Foundation’s teachings and  On the other hand, they are farmers and  everybody isn't a gardener, we garden
          my life has dramatically turned around.  prepare a lot of food from their own  our own gardens as well as a main crop
          I have never experienced such vitality  animals.                       community garden. We make and eat
          and happiness in my entire life! I am so     I believe it would not be such a huge  lots of ferments and we teach all of this
          grateful for WAPF. I have become so  jump to the Weston Price-type diet but I  to others through the Koanga Institute.
          passionate about physical and mental  didn't have enough time with them or the     The Koanga Institute (
          health as well as farmer rights, and I’m  language to explain. I would like very  nz) is at the heart of the Kotare Village,
          so eager to become involved in sharing  much to send them Spanish translations  where we are currently running an urban
          knowledge about these things.      of Nourishing Traditions.           garden research project to see how much
                          Eden Garcia Thaler                       Lesley Alkin  of a family's nutrition can be provided
                           Leesburg, Virginia              Southampton, England  from a 200 square meter garden. We
                                                                                 have a How To Grow Nutrient Dense
          JUNK FOOD IN ARGENTINA             Our main brochure and our Healthy 4  Food research project in its early stages
              I am English travelling in Argen-  Life booklet are available in Spanish.  as well. Plus we are growing and saving
          tina. Argentinian people are warm and                                  the New Zealand national heritage veg-
          friendly and I am made to feel welcome  KOTARE VILLAGE                 etable seed collection and an important
          whereever I go. It saddens me to notice     We are a group of people in beauti-  heritage fruit tree collection. There is
          how many of the indigenous people are  ful New Zealand who are developing an  much potential for eco-village settlers
          seriously overweight. They seem to be  eco-village, Kotare Village (kotarevil-  in these fields and we envisage a co-
          reacting badly to modern foodstuffs,, where we are committed to  operative as soon as we have enough
          in particular refined carbohydrate and  regenerating our health and the health of  families invested. The way we have
          sodas.                             the ecosystem we live in. This means we  structured our business plan means we
              I have just been lucky enough to  are creating our own food culture out of  will have money to invest in businesses
          spend time in the home of a mixed  the Weston Price principles and it also  that come out of our passion and the land
          Argentinian and Paraguayan family,  means the land use design for the entire  for the good of the whole.
          the kindest, most generous people, but  village is based around our food require-     Kotare Village is actively looking
          suffering from all types of illnesses.  ments put together with what works on  for like-minded people who want to
          The mother has type 2 diabetes, which  this land in this climate.      support a shared dream of embracing a
          she is not looking after as the demands     It all looks something like this:  A  regenerative future through independent
          of the family come first; she has what I  small dairy farm producing raw milk  village living, local economies and co-
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           13

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