Page 11 - Spring2015
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heirloom corn, sweet potatoes and cas- a month. I am hoping this will rebuild LEDs
sava. We have always tried to eat liver my nutritional stores, and I have already I want to thank Julia Hattori for
about once a week. Even so, I still take felt like just that one black pudding has bringing to our attention additional
supplements like calcium and mag- helped me feel healthier! information on the subject of lighting
nesium, feeling like I need them after I am sending along a photo of my choices and their benefits and drawbacks
ten years of breastfeeding and/or being WAPF baby stirring the cooling beef (Letters, Winter 2014). Some of it we
pregnant (all my kids are at least three blood so it would not coagulate. She is already planned to address and have
years apart though). wearing a t-shirt extolling the virtures written about in a forthcoming article
We have processed our own chick- of white blood—raw milk! on the issues and dangers of blue light.
ens, turkeys, rabbits and pork for years Some we will briefly respond to here.
now, and we always like to get the most First, it is important to note that at
out of everything. Recently we slaugh- least one of the major studies used to
tered our first beef steer. He was an cite the dangers of LEDs involved albino
American milking Devon, raised from rats (I was unable to get an original copy
birth on only grass, hay, mama's milk, of the Madrid study to evaluate its ex-
kelp and various natural mineral licks. perimental design), whose unpigmented
We saved the blood from our beef steer eyes are far more sensitive to damage
and I made black pudding with lard, from all types of light, including blue.
bread crumbs, eggs, cream and spices. I In commentary on the article a number
am writing to say it is the most nourish- of researchers pointed out that additional
ing, intense food I've ever tasted, even study is needed to determine how great
more so than liver, and I think it bears the risk is and under what circumstances
mentioning in the WAPF literature. and for which people. Some scientists
After just one single serving of have expressed skepticism at a link be-
black pudding, I felt so totally nour- tween blue light and AMD (age-related
ished, I didn't feel like I needed anything macular degeneration), especially given
extra—supplements felt extraneous that that what matters is not just the light
night, as did even cod liver oil! spectrum in question, but the intensity
I know there are many traditional (strength) of the light and the duration
recipes that use blood beyond black of exposure. As one article noted, even
pudding—the traditional French coq incandescents can cause damage to the
au vin, for example, as well as a Hun- eye LEDs are just able to do this more
garian duck soup made with blood. I quickly. This single albino-based study
keep telling people I know who are Angie Minno does little to illuminate what will prob-
struggling (despite a good WAPF-style Gainesville, Florida ably end up being a very complex final
diet) with nutritional shortfalls about picture.
this, because it just felt so incredibly, WAPF has published an article about Two, the damage the study found
intensely nourishing. All week after the cooking with blood: westonaprice. wasn't caused by blue light in general,
black pudding was gone, I would look org/health-topics/cooking-with-blood- but by looking directly at the light.
at other foods and think to myself how boudin-noir-and-czarnina/. For recipes As the Madrid scientist herself put it,
poor they seemed to be, nutritionally by Angie Minno and others, see our “Eyes are not designed to look directly
speaking. We ended up freezing the rest Food Feature, page 70. at light—they are designed to see with
of the blood (we got about two gallons) light.” Given that this is how light bulbs
so we can have black pudding about once function (people rarely look directly
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 9
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