Page 8 - Spring2015
P. 8


         nine months to get better. He was told  molecules called auto-inducers. These  synchronize their behaviors based upon
         that his syndrome was caused by stress.  auto-inducers transmit information  these signaling mechanisms.
         As we speak two California state sena-  to the bacteria about their co-located     This is what occurs in marine bacte-
         tors (one is a pediatrician) are introduc-  brethren. That is, they signal population  ria called Vibrio fischeri. These bacteria
         ing legislation repealing California’s  density to the microbe. This molecular  colonize the light organ of a certain
         personal belief exemption.         signaling brings about the expression of  squid’s body. When gathered in large
                            Bruce West, DC  certain bacterial genes that were previ-  enough numbers, they possess the abil-
                        Monterey, California  ously switched off. This “knowledge of  ity to generate luminescence and enable
                                            their numbers” in turn guides all new  the squid to mask its shadow, thereby
         QUORUM-SENSING BACTERIA            bacterial behavior.                 preventing detection by predators. This
             A few years ago, I watched Natasha                                 is a friendly action. On the other hand,
         Campbell-McBride’s WAPF presen-                                         the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus
         tation, in which she talked extensive-                                  is normally a harmless resident in
         ly about the microbes in our body and                                   our nose and on our skin, and exudes
         especially our gut. She suggested we                                    benign proteins—until it reaches a
         have hundreds of species of bacteria,                                    certain population density. When it
         fungi, and viruses, friendly as well                                     does, it turns from a quietly com-
         as pathogenic, and the reason we did                                     mensal bacterium into a malignant
         not get disease from the pathogenic                                      bacterium, and exudes toxins that
         bacteria was because the largely                                         can infect the skin and lungs, cause
         healthy bacteria “crowded” out and                                       endocarditis, inflame organs and kill
         neutralized the effect of the minor                                      us. The questions to ask ourselves
         numbers of pathogenic bacteria.                                          are: Why does it turn against us?
         She said that it was only when this                                      What causes its numbers to increase
         healthful balance was subverted that                                     suddenly? And how should we treat
         pathogens took over and that having                                      it when it proliferates?
         this immense diversity of friendly                      Cartoon by Richard Morris    The important point here is about
         as well as unfriendly microbes was                                      balance between the commensal and
         critical to good health.           This behavior can be friendly to the host  the pathogenic. The bad can become
             This was a beautiful idea that made  environment, or it can be toxic. Thus, it  good under the right circumstances, and
         instant sense to me, especially because I  can be harnessed for good or for bad. For  vice versa. Our body houses an immense
         was in the midst of inundating my fam-  instance, when pathogens reach certain  and healthy microcosm of these tiny
         ily and imbuing my house with ferments  critical numbers, they can start to exude  creatures.
         of every description.              toxins in concert, which make their host     The quorum-sensing mechanism
             Mainstream medicine in the mean  very sick. These are the bacteria that  explains why killing off bacteria with
         time has continued its blitzkrieg on  were previously dormant or commensal,  antibiotics is so harmful to health. Our
         pathogenic bacteria, treating them  living in harmony within their host’s  body, and as a matter of fact, the entire
         as “infections” instead of symbiotic  ecosystem and secreting non-toxic  world, contain mainly friendly, symbi-
         colonizations. Then I came across  metabolites that were either neutral or  otic bacteria. But it is these larger quan-
         the research of microbiologists hot on  healthful. Thus the lowly bacteria can  tities of friendly microbes that get killed
         the trail of something called quorum-  change their fundamental behaviors in  in programs designed to massacre the
         sensing bacteria. It appears that many, if  response to their increasing population  minority of the pathogens. The patho-
         not all, bacteria communicate with each  density. They have remarkable and so-  genic bacteria that survive turn into
         other through hormone-like signaling  phisticated ability to communicate and  mutated, drug-resistant microbes, and

         6                                          Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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