Page 5 - Spring2015
P. 5
DISTRESSED we possibly know which one caused her that vaccine injuries exist. A company
I was distressed to receive the death? that publicly reports yearly profits—in
press release from the Weston Price I lost the most precious gift of all, the billions—is not held accountable
organization ( to “the greater good.” I sacrificed my for vaccine injuries and deaths. The
studies-show-that-vaccinated-indi- beautiful child. . . for your child. manufacturers of vaccines conduct their
viduals-spread-disease/). I recently What did I get in return? I was la- own, very limited, safety studies, and
joined, as I think it is a valuable voice belled an “anti-vaxer.” You see, I have many vaccines are licensed and used
in the advocacy for a traditional, non- a very healthy eleven-year-old son who without any safety studies at all. Health
processed food diet—this despite some is completely unvaccinated. He is alive! Canada told me it is more cost-effective
of the articles and assertions on your site to release vaccines and then watch for
appearing to be only loosely related to reactions later.
scientific evidence. There are serious problems with
In this time of polarization and many of the vaccines starting with the
high emotions surrounding the issue of fact, which their own studies show, that
vaccinations, to publish a piece titled vaccines are often ineffective. After the
“Studies Show that Vaccinated Indi- previous pertussis vaccine caused thou-
viduals Spread Disease” only serves to sands of deaths and brain injuries, many
further the impression that the Founda- mothers worked together to demand
tion is a “fringe” organization, despite change. The pertussis vaccine was then
any more balanced opinions within the replaced with a different one, which was
article itself. less reactive but also turned out to be
Please consider carefully your press less effective. As a result, we began to
releases and articles, so as not to under- see many whooping cough outbreaks in
mine the very good work you are doing North America. At first they blamed the
to educate people about maximizing outbreaks on “anti-vaxers,” but then it
health. Did I attend Google University? Or get became undeniable that the vaccine was
Julie Kern, MS,OTR my advice from Jenny McCarthy? Abso- failing, the vaccine was responsible!
New York, New York lutely not! I spent years poring over the There has not been a measles death
peer-reviewed medical journals, FDA, in over a decade in North America,
I AM AN ANTI-VAXER CDC, WHO and Health Canada files while there have been deaths from vac-
I am an “anti-vaxer.” and speaking to doctors and politicians. cines. We have measles outbreaks in
I wish my child had lived long I had to pay to access my daughter’s North America every year. Many years
enough to get measles, but sadly she died vaccine records through Freedom of In- ago they increased the MMR shot rec-
a few hours after receiving a vaccine. At formation at Health Canada. I did all this ommendation from once to twice, and
a routine “well baby” appointment, she to figure out the facts, so that my other we have a vaccination rate of over 90
had her first shots. I had no idea adverse child did not also die! I did this so that percent, yet they still have outbreaks of
reactions were even possible. I trusted your children do not die from vaccines! measles! At first they blamed the “anti-
my doctor completely. I trusted my doc- In Canada we do not have a vac- vaxers,” but according to their own stud-
tor blindly. cine injury compensation program, so ies, the measles vaccine is failing and is
The doctors believed it was the legal recourse is not an option. In the responsible!
pertussis vaccine that caused her death, U.S., the vaccine compensation program In a three-year study, in Ontario
but they did not know for sure because has paid almost three billion dollars Canada (March 2006-April 2009), it was
she was given a combination of four vac- for injuries and deaths, while Canada discovered that several infants died and
cines, all at the same time. How could has paid nothing! They simply deny one in 168 Canadian children end up in
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 3
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