Page 7 - Spring2015
P. 7


          vaccines harm the immune system.   the law for any injuries due to vaccines,  processed foods, no sugar, raw dairy,
              When one considers the fact that  so that they are not liable and cannot  grass-fed meat, pastured eggs, organics,
          vaccines cause gut damage, autoim-  be sued.                           real fat and lots of it, cod liver oil, etc.
          mune disease, brain damage, autism,                Beverly Rubik, PhD  And needless to say there were no more
          death and more—and that they are filled          Emeryville, California  vaccinations.
          with toxins and are impermanent—it is                                      My  daughter's  disposition  and
          hard to defend them.               ANAPHYLACTIC CHILD                  health continued to improve over the
              Although I used to think that there     My first-born daughter was very  years.  Then  in  November  last  year,
          were many shades of gray in relation to  little; she was never “quite right.” She  when she was six, we did our final nut
          vaccines, I have come to the conclusion  was pale and very lean. She had dark  challenge without a reaction! No more
          that they are never safe, although in  rings under her eyes. She would often  EpiPens, action plans or medical alerts.
          many folks the damage is subclinical or  cry for hours and have meltdowns daily,     Thank you, WAPF, for your contin-
          delayed so that one never connects the  seemingly without cause.       ued dedication to finding the truth about
          two.                                   However because she was reaching  food and commitment to our future
              Leslie Manookian, Producer of the  all her developmental milestones, the  generations.
                     film, “The Greater Good”  medical profession made me feel that I                Rebecca Taylor
                                             was a paranoid first-time mother.                   Brisbane, Australia
          CONTAMINATED VACCINES                  I thought we had a healthy diet:
              Thirty years ago, I worked in the  she  was  breastfed  until  twenty-one  DISEASE FROM A
          vaccine industry as a quality control  months. But the rest was lowfat, lots of  VACCINATED CHILD
          PhD scientist. I was responsible for test-  fruit, rice crackers, sugary homemade     They say you can’t get the disease
          ing vaccines and assayed them regularly  sweets, gluten-free pasta, cheap meat,  from a vaccinated child—yeah right!
          to look for contamination in accordance  commercial yogurt, rice cereal, etc.  My pal Doug—a super strong, healthy
          with FDA regulation. I found contami-     As a veterinarian who had been in-  guy—had his kid get a whooping cough
          nation and then personally experienced  doctrinated by mainstream medical and  booster to get into seventh grade. Within
          the industry’s corruption to cover up  pharmaceutical practices I didn't think  days  the  boy  developed  whooping
          these issues. I will never forget the hor-  twice about the recommended childhood  cough. Within more days both his sisters
          ror and disdain that I felt when they told  vaccination regime.        developed whooping cough (they did not
          me, “This vaccine is all over the world;     However after my daughter's eigh-  get the booster). And within days, Doug
          it’s too big to recall,” and “Don’t worry,  teen-month vaccinations her demeanor  got whooping cough (no booster).
          we will send the rest of that batch to the  was worse: crying, irritable, and I was     Doug told me that the whooping
          Third World.” I reacted strongly. Then I  terrified that her language had regressed.  cough itself was nothing more than a
          was abruptly removed from my position.  A month after this vaccination she had  nuisance—a chronic cough that took a
              The company that I was working  an acute, systemic anaphylactic reaction  month or so to clear.
          for doesn’t exist anymore. Soon after I  to one-fourth of a cashew nut. Holding     But then Doug developed a Guil-
          was removed, it was acquired by a larger  her blue, floppy body in my arms was  laine-Barré sequelae to whooping cough
          pharmaceutical company. That was the  the worst day of my life. Living with an  or his kid’s shot, became paralyzed, was
          strategy back then when vaccine compa-  anaphylactic child is living on edge.  in intensive care for twenty-one days,
          nies were still liable for bad drugs they     This started us on an amazing jour-  barely escaped with his life, and had a
          merged with other companies so that  ney of real food discovery and healing.  medical bill approaching three hundred
          they could not be sued. In recent years,  Although it took us almost two years to  thousand dollars.
          these companies lobbied for and got a  find WAPF, we have never looked back.      He slowly recovered, first a wheel-
          federal law passed making them above  Bone broths, ferments, organ meats, no  chair, then crutches, then a cane. It took

 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                             5

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