Page 10 - Spring2015
P. 10
of contaminated food. Even once the that, but as in the case of milk, they be- important point that no one stood up for.
bacteria are dead, the “food” is still not come a source of a lot of waste for the Second, not only is raw milk a super-
fit to eat. body in what used to be full of vibrant health food (as is proven by the SWAT
Not only is the process of pasteuri- life energy. I have spent decades experi- team attacks on raw milk producers and
zation itself a complete scam, but so is menting with the implications of this. By vendors, when the same authorities are
the theory that all these conditions are using a combination of various forms of fine with the unlimited production of
caused only by micro-organisms. Ac- fasting and raw live foods, most diseases deadly drugs by the medical industry
cording to that theory, a totally sterile can be cured, even in late stages. which kills millions), but it is a clue
world would be completely healthy. This is completely known to those which all of you should be following to
One of the strongest attributes of fresh at the top of the power structure, and its logical conclusion. That is, the correct
organic raw milk is its ability to inocu- the information is hidden very care- use of raw foods with other associated
late the body with helpful living micro- fully from the public. Those unwittingly measures like fasting, etc. could almost
organisms. Pasteurizing milk is wrong helping our malevolent top-level rulers totally eliminate disease in America,
for the same reasons that antibiotics are mostly oblivious to what they are and make the criminal “health care”
destroy your body's immune system. doing, and they don't understand how system irrelevant other than in cases of
The entire foundation of the medical thoroughly they have been brainwashed accident and a few necessary surgeries.
paradigm in looking at disease is wrong. by their wonderful “education.” I do; I've Richard Sacks
Those organisms come in and cause been through it. Sedona, Arizona
harm because the body's normal balanc- No one jumped on the attorney for
ing defenses are not working. This is the making fun of conspiracy theories. Yet Thank you for your interesting letter.
case now in many people who are medi- conspiracy is the rule in real life, not the However we have to disagree that the
cal drug addicts or otherwise damaged exception, especially at the high levels of “logical conclusion” to the fact that
by medicine and sub-standard poisoned power (collaboration toward a common pasteurization is bad for milk is that
food and water. For them, unfortunately, end). The reason the non-thinking public cooking is bad for all foods. Many
good food becomes dangerous in some has come to believe there is no such foods—such as grains and many veg-
cases, although bad food will also hurt thing as conspiracy is because they just etables—are indigestible or even toxic
them. Their systems have to be healed repeat what they hear all the time, and when not cooked. And all healthy
by someone who knows how to oversee the media have worked hard to make populations studied by Dr. Price cooked
this, but it can be done, and has been fun of this concept. Now the religion some or even most of their foods. Meat
done successfully, after which they of the day is “science," which is full of and fish were consumed both raw and
can eat food with lots of good micro- misconceptions and used as a weapon cooked. To balance any enzymes lost
organisms safely. by big corporations (members of con- by cooking foods, we suggest eating
Also, no one mentioned that when spiracy to carry out agendas constructed “super-raw“ lacto-fermented foods
good raw milk sours, it does not "go bad" at top power levels, partly elaborated in which are so rich in enzymes (and good
but becomes very beneficial as long as Agenda 21 documents and many other bacteria) that they more than compen-
it is clean. places, assuming the public will never sate for the enzymes lost in cooking
Now here is a point that you may read this material). Conspiracies are not meat, grains and vegetables.
not like, but my interest is in telling the only real, they are a major threat to the
truth, and then seeing the best way to survival of the entire biosphere, and at NOURISHED BY BLOOD
deal with it. This requires courage and the top, they are not about money. My family and I have eaten a
honesty. What applies to raw milk also So the bottom line is, I am sorry WAPF-style diet for more than ten years
applies equally to other natural organic no one brought up the point our rights now. About six years ago we started a
fresh whole foods. When you cook them, exist without being specifically listed micro-dairy and began raising our own
their value is mostly destroyed. Not only in the Constitution, and that is a super- meat, vegetables and staple crops like
8 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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