Page 14 - Spring2015
P. 14


         INTOXICATING SMELL                 wake up to that most intoxicating smell.  LARD FOR WEIGHT LOSS
             I am a sixty-nine-year-old master                      Mike Ward      Here is a true story an Amish
         carpenter who was conceived and raised             Longmont, Colorado   friend told me today about lard. He has
         on raw milk and nutrient-dense food, as                                a non-Amish friend who weighed about
         were all of the farmers before me.    HEALTHY ANCESTOR GALLERY         four hundred pounds whose doctor was
          When I was five or six, a supermarket     How  about an  ancestor gallery   always on him to eat healthier foods.
         came to the area, and things seemed to  so this generation knows what people   Problem is this guy was into fishing and
         change overnight. People who refused  used to look like? This is a photo of   hunting, and he deep-fried all the food
         to switch to the industrial food were  my parents, Catherine and Del Wilson,   he ate—meat, fish and vegetables—and
         called “old-fashioned.” My parents had  (Dad once published an article in the   he was not going to change.
         a difficult time getting me to eat the new  Wise Traditions journal about the farm      Last year he bought a hog and asked
         food, particularly the pasteurized milk,                               my Amish friend to fatten it and then
         which I still dislike. I literally lived for                           butcher it, which he did. The guy was
         the times I could eat food that tasted                                 going to throw the back fat away but my
         good at my grandparents’ house.                                        friend asked if he could render it. In turn
             It was a time when most of our                                     he gave the large friend enough lard to
         people had either forty or eighty acres,                               replace the vegetable oil in his fryer.
         before they bought into the mantra “ Get                                  That was last June. Come October
         Big or Get Out.” Neighbors shared and                                  the guy goes to his doctor who com-
         helped with planting and harvesting, and                               mends him for finally taking his advice
         took up the slack to keep things going if                              and changing his diet because his cho-
         a farmer died or was incapacitated.                                    lesterol was the best it had been in over
             The most intoxicating smell I have                                 ten years! However he told the doctor he
         known was the rich Midwestern humus                                    had not changed his diet except swap-
         as it warmed in the morning sun. By the                                ping the vegetable oil for lard. And not
         time I was eight or nine, those smells                                 only had he not cut back on his fried
         were gone. After reading The Unsettling                                food, he was eating more since the food
         Of America by Wendell Berry, it became  food) taken in 1951 when Mother was   tasted so much better when fried in lard.
         clear what I had lived through.    pregnant with my younger brother.   He had also lost sixty pounds!
             About eight years ago I was begin-     I love to see their radiance, beau-                Jim Fiedler
         ning to have knee pain and stiffness  tiful smiles and beautiful teeth. Both               Rome, Indiana
         (even though I ate organically), and  were raised on farm food and Dad was   MEAT, EGGS AND BROTH
         considered giving up carpentry. About  a farmer. No orthodonics here, no make-      My husband and I have been watch-
         that time I was introduced to WAPF,  up but lipstick, and no hair dye, unlike   ing this melodramatic period series
         and began drinking at least two cups of  today's crowd. This picture always   (1900s), “Gran Hotel,” produced in
         bone broth a day. In a little more than six  makes me happy.           Spain 2011-2013. In episode sixteen the
         months, all of my joint problems were                    Janice Curtin  young maid Belen gives birth to twins
         gone, and today I enjoy hard work more             Alexandria, Virginia  and almost dies, losing lots of blood. The
         than ever.                                                             doctor examines her and says, "She's
             If you have the capacity, please get  This is a great idea! Please send your   very weak. She needs meat, eggs and
         out on the farms, pitch in and stand be-  ancestor photos with caption to us at   broth." Loved that! Would like to know
         side real heroes. In the time I have left,       the screenwriter who put that line in!
         my purpose is to do everything I can to                                                      Lynn Wright
         help build a future where more children                                      Tucson, AZ and Fort Jones, CA
         12                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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