Page 9 - Spring2015
P. 9


          come back, ever more ferociously, into  in the dark, but rather operating on the  not give us the right to eat what we want.
          a largely competition-free environment.  sound premise that the laws of nature   This is a staggering misunderstanding,
          But far more deadly is what happens  are far more important to follow than the  and is either intentional deceit or this
          when their numbers grow. Once their  dictates of partially understood science.  lawyer is a tribute to the misinformation
          numbers grow, their quorum-sensing                   Sushima Gokhale   being taught in law schools. The Con-
          mechanism signals these microbes to                Larkspur, California  stitution is not the source of any of our
          express genes that cause them to secrete                               rights. Those are explicitly defined as
          toxins  they  were previously  unable  FERTILIZE OR DEFERTILIZE?       coming from God (see the Declaration
          to exude. These previously harmless     I saw this on ScienceDaily: "Long-  and other early writings of the Found-
          creatures now become deadly to their  term nitrogen fertilizer use disrupts  ers). The Constitution is mainly there
          host. This is because there aren’t enough  plant-microbe mutualisms" (sciencedai-  to limit government. According to the
          commensal bacteria left to curb their  enumerated powers clause and the Tenth
          destructive forces. In a two-pronged  htm).                            Amendment, the federal government
          attack on our health, our body becomes     When exposed to nitrogen fertilizer  can only function in the areas listed in
          deprived of the life-giving metabolites  over a period of years, nitrogen-fixing  the enumerated powers, nowhere else.
          these friendly bacteria once served up,  bacteria called rhizobia evolve to be-  Therefore most of the actions of the
          and at the same time we become vi-  come less beneficial to legumes, the  federal government today are crimi-
          ciously attacked by pathogens that are  plants they normally serve, researchers  nally illegal. Apparently the public is
          now capable of doing immense damage.  report in a new study.           so dumbed down we don't even notice.
              All this of course was as yet undis-     Fertilize or defertilize? Another  This is a really important issue. Ignor-
          covered by science for many decades. In  snafu. Can we beg for forgiveness, for  ing it has allowed almost the complete
          the meantime, we poured on the antibi-  we knew not what we did? But how  destruction of our inherent freedoms.
          otics. But our wise ancestors figured out  much longer can we go on discount-  How could the two of you in the debate
          these complex relationships with great  ing Nature’s ways, because we know  not have jumped on this as soon you had
          perception over the centuries. They  better—and there’s money to be had  the opportunity to rebut this nonsensical
          might not have spoken to us in terms of  from it—and then pleading ignorance  statement?
          quorum-sensing bacteria, nor did they  when the lessons come home? Science      Second, I have been an independent
          have access to genomic sequencing, but  supposedly should let us appreciate the  holistic health scientist since 1965 and
          they were giving us the right counsel—  consequences before we act, but sadly  have done decades of deep research and
          make and eat ferments, add commensal  that’s not how it’s being applied.   experimentation into nutrition, detoxifi-
          bacteria to your internal and external      Poco a poco, enlightenment!  cation and other health aspects in order
          biome, and you will live in health.                      Henry Becker  to see how to prevent and cure most
              Somewhere between refrigeration                  Kingston, Ontario  or all degenerative diseases as well as
          and our arrogance in the belief that sci-                              most of what is now considered normal
          ence has discovered all there is to know,  PASTEURIZATION ALWAYS BAD   “aging.”
          we got lost on eating and medication.      I just finished watching the debate      What I have found is that the argu-
          While double-blind studies and genomic  sponsored by the Harvard Law School  ments you have in favor of raw milk
          analysis will carry on for decades, it is  with Sally Fallon Morell and David  are one hundred percent correct. Even
          unwise to put our health on hold as we  Gumpert debating Fred Pritzker and  organic milk is in my opinion not ed-
          wait for results to trickle in.    Heidi Kassenborg. I have a couple of  ible after pasteurization and becomes
              In eating fully with our senses, in  observations to share (  a health-destroying food. Commercial
          eating the way nature intended us to eat,  com/watch?v=iLRdihFi6gwsponsored).  poisoned milk is far worse. Yes, I am one
          and in eating the way our wiser ances-     First, I was amazed the attorney got  hundred percent against pasteurization,
          tors ate, we are not taking a leap of faith  away with saying the Constitution does  whose only real use is to allow the sale

 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                             7

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