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         the emergeny room after receiving the  vaccines. From the heart of one mother  date to force vaccines, and CNN's as-
         MMR vaccine (  to another.                        sessment that non-vaccinators are as
         pmc/articles/PMC3236196/?tool=pmce                  Christine Colebeck  dangerous as drunk drivers, and recent
         ntrez                          Canada   legislation in several states to rescind
         pensation/statisticsreport.pdfhttp://                                  philosophical exemptions to vaccines,  MEASLES HYSTERIA              my takeaway is that this is a coordi-
         view/2936).                            What is going on regarding measles  nated effort to scare the public, defend
             Parents need to stop pointing fin-  is truly frightening and clearly well-  a wrongheaded public policy statement,
         gers at other parents and work together,  coordinated. It is clear that the rate of  and take away our rights.
         for the greater good, for the good of  non-vaccination has reached such a level     There are simply too many folks
         our children. Parents everywhere need  that the powers that be will do anything  doing their research and opting out,
         to ask questions and demand safer and  to strip us of our rights, spread fear, and  and health authorities have lost control.
         more effective vaccines for our children.  yes, lie, or at the very least withhold the  They have lost control because too many
         Pharmaceutical companies should be  truth.                             families have seen first-hand the damage
         given a clear message that we want     The last I looked there were about  vaccines can wreak.
         them to put more money and research  fourteen hundred news stories on     In addition, we now understand
         into the existing, basic vaccines, which  Google related to a measles outbreak  that the premise upon which vaccines
         are presently failing to protect our chil-  affecting seventy people. That is it, just  originally were built is flawed: anti-
         dren, instead of rushing to develop and  seventy people. To put this in context,  bodies (the reason we vaccinate) do not
         license dozens of new, untested vaccines  there are about one million kids in this  mean a person is immune. A person
         for non-life-threatening illness. Parents  country with autism, but that does not  can be immune and have no antibodies
         everywhere need to demand that the  seem to be an emergency. And roughly  or conversely have antibodies but not
         manufacturers of vaccines be held liable  18-20 percent of all children have learn-  be immune. Moreover, the promise of
         and accountable, to ensure the quality of  ing disabilities or developmental delays.  life-long vaccine-induced immunity was
         the products they manufacture. Canada     Health authorities have been con-  empty: we now know that vaccines wear
         needs to create a vaccine injury com-  spicuously quiet about where the out-  off, often much faster than admitted and
         pensation program for the thousands of  break began, perhaps because it might  that the only true immunity is natural
         children killed and injured by vaccines.  have started with a vaccinated person  infection. These unfortunate truths that
         Pharmaceutical companies should be  who transmitted it to others—the sci-  stand in the way of the vaccine market
         monitored by an unbiased committee,  ence is clear, vaccinated folks can and  going from twenty-seven billion dollars
         or council of watchdogs, to ensure they  do transmit disease, though this is an  in 2012 to a forecast one hundred billion
         are putting the health and safety of our  uncomfortable truth. What we do know  dollars by 2020.
         children before profits. Our children  is that two of the original five workers     There is another major issue, which
         deserve to be protected! Our children  who got measles were fully vaccinated;  is that vaccines damage the immune
         deserve better!                    status of the others was not known last  system, making it more vulnerable to
             Measles has not killed a child in  I looked. What is also clear is that origi-  future challenges. Research in the past
         over a decade in North America but vac-  nal reports said most folks who got the  couple of years has demonstrated that
         cines have killed and injured thousands.  measles were unvaccinated but recent  getting the flu vaccine makes one more
         That is a painful fact I live with. Rather  reports say that some of the folks who  vulnerable to flu. Our understanding of
         than “anti-vaccine,” I am pro-health  got it were unvaccinated, which implies  the immune system is vastly improved
         and pro-safety of my children and your  that most were vaccinated.     from the time when vaccines were
         children.                              When we combine this information  originally conceived. It is time medical
             Do your research and demand better  with Fox News' call for a federal man-  authorities admitted this fact that

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