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Wise Traditions

                               in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                                       a publication of

                                         the Weston a. PriCe Foundation           ®
              Volume 16 Number 1                                                                   Spring 2015

          FEATURES                                             Homeopathy Journal              Page 61

          Cleansing Myths and Dangers   Page 19                Joette Calabrese on homeopathy
          John Kozinski gives wise advice                      versus conventional drugs

          Toxicity and Chronic Illness     Page 26             All Thumbs Book Reviews         Page 63
          Mark Schauss provides guidelines for                     Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections
          survival in a toxic world                                Grain of Truth
                                                                   Freedom from Fibromyalgia
          Gentle Detoxification           Page 35                  Food: The Light Meat, the Dark Meat and the
          Kim Schuette shares her professional                          Wishbone
          experience with detoxification techniques
                                                               Tim's DVD Reviews              Page 67
          Great Nutrition Pioneers       Page 45               Tim Boyd critiques the latest offerings
          Sylvia Onusic explores the contributions
          of the early vitamin researchers                     Food Feature                    Page 70
                                                               Sally Fallon Morell on cooking with blood

          The Fats on MyPlate          Page 54
          Kimberly Hartke shows the absurdity                  Farm and Ranch                Page 72
          of the U.S. dietary guidelines                       Uprising in Poland

                                                               Legislative Updates               Page 74
          DEPARTMENTS                                          Judith McGeary, Esq, on efforts to

          President’s Message            Page 2                establish one food safety agency

          Vaccination Assault
                                                               Soy Alert                      Page 76
                                                               Kaayla Daniel on the epidemic of “moobs”
          Letters                       Page 3

                                                               A Campaign for Real Milk        Page 78
          Caustic Commentary           Page 16                 Elisabeth Ryan on raw milk in Ireland
          Sally Fallon Morell challenges
          the Diet Dictocrats                                  Raw Milk Updates               Page 80

                                                               Healthy Baby Gallery              Page 84
          Technology as Servant         Page 58                Local Chapters                   Page 86
          John Moody looks at the herbicides from hell         Shop Heard ‘Round the World     Page  99
                                                               Membership                      Page 120
                                                               Upcoming Events                 Page 121

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