Page 12 - Spring2015
P. 12
at them), the greater issue isn't with and given the drawbacks I discussed that the culprit isn't the light, but the poor
lighting choices but with the technol- regarding CFLs (which also have the nutritional and health status of those ex-
ogy many people use. Also, the studies blue light issue, albeit to a slightly lesser posed to it. Thus, a traditional, nutrient-
and research are not at all totally clear degree), people have little choice but to rich (especially in the all important fat
or in agreement. A number of studies use LEDs unless readers can point us soluble vitamins, but especially vitamin
show significant benefits to exposure all to yet another new (and untested?) A) and antioxidant-laden diet is really
to this portion of the light spectrum, option. the best option for people who have little
such as protection from myopia, help In a future article, I will address choice but to look at light, along with
with SAD (seasonal affective disorder), how to use all blue light-emitting de- employing commonsense (learn to sit
and for those who have no choice but to vices as wisely as possible. It is also farther away from technological gad-
work indoors and receive little sunlight good to note that the LED industry is gets when being used, read real books
exposure, help with regulating circadian aware of these concerns and is studying instead of e-books) technological fixes
rhythms, among others. They have also the issue and actively making changes as that we will discuss in the forthcoming
found other possible drawbacks, some they do risk assessments in conjuction article. John Moody
dependent on the timing of exposure with a number of European regulatory Irvington, Kentucky
to this particular wavelength of light. If bodies. Who knows? In another decade,
blue diffuse light in general is a concern, we may have lights that adjust their COD LIVER OIL & DENTAL DECAY
we are in very big trouble not solely from brightness throughout the day to better I have a personal story about cod
the light indoors but the sun outdoors, mimic natural light and its effects. liver oil. Twelve years ago, when I had
which produces this spectrum as well. Finally, the researchers also pointed just turned forty and was experiencing
Third, given that incandescent out that the most likely mechanism for the breakup of my family, I was also in
bulbs are now banned in many coun- damage is oxidative stress. We may end the process of adjusting to proper nutri-
tries (and had their own drawbacks), up discovering, as with sun exposure, tion à la WAPF, after years of being a
I would like to report the death of my husband, John Russell Silver, a chapter leader in Layton, Utah. He died on
January 20, 2015.
Thankfully, Russ was always very health conscious and became even more so when he was introduced to the WAPF
protocol at age sixty-six. From that day until his death at age seventy-eight, he not only followed this program faithfully, but
he became a hero advocate in getting the word out to anyone who would listen.
He lectured locally, in cities along the Wasatch Front, and in several states as he promoted the program in person.
DVDs were made during his active lecture time. And at home he was often on long phone calls assisting those with ques-
tions about this protocol.
Our eight children, thirty-seven grandchildren and the twenty-one plus great-grands have
been and are, thankfully, influenced by the WAPF program due to Russ' example.
Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and dedication in keeping the Weston A.
Price Foundation going. Our lives are so much better for having had our membership in it.
And though Russ is not with us physically, his powerful influence will always be felt for good
through the generations to come. And, those of us who continue to follow what he taught
will always be grateful that he “happened” on to this program because we have all benefited
greatly from it.
This tribute is in gratitude for him who lived and promoted this program. And it is also
in gratitude for all of you who are now still dedicated to spreading the WAPF word. You have
made, and are still making, lives better through your dedication to this wonderful program.
I thank you. Norma N. Silver, Layton, Utah
10 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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