Page 16 - Spring2015
P. 16


         evolution. There are opportunities for  I said in bewilderment. I'd roasted a  world—such as the European Union,
         settlers, investors and supporters.   commercial turkey and my son and I had  Russia, and China. This is the reason
             It is a very exciting time in the  been eating that for three days. I went  that we cannot export meat to these
         village! Through this venture we are  home, and the cardiologist arranged  countries. Residue testing in those coun-
         planning to have around 30 families  for more tests, which I came through  tries has shown significant residues in
         live in Kotare Village to ensure we have  with flying colors. My heart was doing  US-produced meat. But in this country,
         enough of a population to create a strong  fine. I didn't think any more about it. A  we have no restrictions on its use. It can
         economic base.                     month later, the same thing happened.  be fed up to the time of slaughter. No
             We'd love to hear from you NOW if  Intransigent chest pain. Nitroglycerin.  residue testing is employed. No with-
         you are interested in investing in your  Ambulance. ER. Nothing showed up.  drawal time is mandated.
         future or becoming a settler. Email us  “Did you eat anything different?” “Just     This is an anecdote. The plural of
         at       turkey.” I went home and wondered  anecdote is not data. But I will never
                                Kay Baxter  what was in turkey that we didn't know  again eat commercially grown turkey.
                Havelock North, New Zealand  about. Google being my friend, I quickly                  Pegi Ficken
                                            discovered: ractopamine.                             Groton, New York
         TURKEY ATTACK                          Ractopamine isn't exactly a house-
             I can't think of anything more ter-  hold word. It's a beta-adrenergic agonist  MILK PROBLEMS?
         rifying than chest pain that doesn't go  which is used as a feed additive in the     Can one have too much of a good
         away, followed by an ambulance trip  commercial production of beef, pork,  thing? The well-read of course know
         with lights and sirens, and a frantic rush  and turkeys. Red flags went up! Weren't  the answer. Some of us know that it can
         into the emergency room. The first time  beta-blockers used to treat angina?  be tempting to have more of something
         was justified by two 80 percent block-  Wasn't that what I had? What's going on?  that “must be good for us.” I once met a
         ages in a major coronary artery. Stents  The answers were: yes, yes, and who  young man who had seriously compro-
         were installed, and then the horrible  knows? Further research showed that  mised his health with an overconsump-
         journey through medication side effects  ractopamine was used in 20 percent of  tion of water leading to brain edema.
         from the one-size-fits-all treatment pro-  commercial beef, 80 percent of commer-     In New Zealand, one can, relatively
         tocol. This treatment doesn't work very  cial pork, and some unknown quantity  easily, find a source of raw milk, and
         well if you're not the right size.  of commercial turkeys. I raise my own  being New Zealand, it tastes wonderful
             Three months later, still in the  organic beef and pork. Being an engi-  and, as so many of us believe, is a very
         throes of side effects, there was another  neer as well as a farmer, I decided to  rich source of calcium. It is also bal-
         trip to the hospital. Crushing chest pain  test my hypothesis. I had canned some  anced for carbohydrates, protein and fat.
         again, just like the first time,. Two nitro-  turkey and broth, and made some soup.     My devotion to raw milk in recent
         glycerin tablets didn't stop the pain. This  Yes, the reaction was the same. I didn't  years did not figure in my puzzlement
         time, the EKG didn't show any abnor-  call the ambulance this time, just waited  over difficulties I was having with mus-
         malities. I was puzzled. The doctor was  out the pain.                 cular soreness following exercise. It was
         puzzled. Finally the doctor asked if I'd     Ractopamine use as an animal  severe enough to have me walking with
         eaten anything unusual. “Just turkey,”  feed additive is banned in much of the  considerable discomfort; and enough

                                        A CALL TO HUNTERS—YOU CAN HELP WAPF!
              This year the Weston A. Price Foundation will be testing various foods for levels of vitamins A, D and K.
                We need samples of the following fats:
              Bear Fat          Beaver Tail Fat      Seal Fat (Seal Oil)   Sea Lion Fat         Deer Fat
              If you can supply us with these fats, please send an email to We would need them
                 rendered and in three glass containers, about 1 cup for each of the three samples. Thank you!
         14                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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