Page 20 - Spring2015
P. 20

Caustic Commentary

         period. These findings accord with a 2006 study involving  ages fourteen to fifty to limit their sodium intake to 2,300
         nine hundred rats, which found that aspartame significantly  mg per day or one teaspoon of salt, and those over fifty and
         increased the risk for lymphomas and leukemia in both males  high-risk groups to cut back to 1500 mg daily or two-thirds
         and females (  of a teaspoon. But a large international study found that
         kemia_lymphoma.html). In 2005, Dr. Stylianos Tsakiris,  men and women who ate between 3,000-6,000 mg sodium
         at the Medical School, University of Athens, showed that  (between 1.3 and 2.6 teaspoons) had a lower risk of major
         aspartame causes memory loss and learning impairment—  cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack, stroke or heart
         with potentially disastrous consequences for children who  failure, and they also had a lower risk of dying over a four-
         consume aspartame in the form of diet colas and sugar-free  year period compared with people who consumed more or
         gum. A recent study indicates that aspartame disrupts the  less sodium (N Engl J Med. 2014 Aug 14;371(7):612-23). On
         healthy bacteria in the gut, which can interfere with normal  average, American adults consume 3,400 mg sodium daily
         blood sugar and insulin production, leading to hypoglycemia  or one and one-half teaspoons of salt.
         and diabetes. Finally, a new study from the University of Iowa
         on healthy postmenopausal women showed that drinking two  IGNORING DOCTOR PRICE
         or more diet drinks per day may increase the risk of heart  The old “ soft foods” theory of malocclusion and dental crowd-
         disease, including heart attack and stroke (www.janethull.  ing has raised its head again in a report published in PLOS
         com/healthynews/blog/2014/09/study-shows-aspartame-  ONE (
         causes-memory-loss/). All in all, the evidence is clear: we  arose-years.html). Noting that hunter-gatherers had almost no
         should avoid products containing aspartame like the plague.  malocclusion and dental crowding, while the condition was
                                                              common amoung the world's earliest farmers, the authors
         CALCIFICATION                                        state with assurance that the diet of the hunter-gatherer “was
             Pineal gland calcification due to excessive fluoride ex-  based on 'hard' foods like wild uncooked vegetables and meat,
         posure is a clinical risk factor in the onset of Alzheimer's  while the staple diet of the sedentary farmer is based on 'soft'
         disease, bipolar disease, and insomnia as well as ADHD. But  foods like cereals and legumes. With soft cooked foods there
         fluoride is not the only factor that can cause calcification of  is less of a requirement for chewing, which in turns lessens
         the pineal gland. In his book The Milk Book, William Camp-  the size of the jaws but without a corresponding reduction in
         bell Douglass, MD, points out that pasteurized milk can also  the dimensions of the teeth.” Sigh. . . there is just so much
         cause calcification of the pineal gland. Vitamin K, found in  wrong with these conclusions, starting with the assumption
         aged cheeses and poultry liver, protects against soft-tissue  that the hunter-gatherer did not cook his food. Quite the con-
         calcification throughout the body.                   trary, descriptions of hunter-gatherer populations indicate that
                                                              they cooked a large part of their meats and virtually all their
         SALT AND HEART ATTACKS                               plant foods. And what about herding populations consuming
         Current U.S. dietary recommendations advise Americans  “soft” foods like milk, yogurt and cheese? These groups are
                                                              characterized by splendid facial development. And how do
                  FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS              your genes know that you will be eating soft foods and there-
             Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price   fore give you a more narrow jaw? And what about the rest of
          Foundation is to provide important information about diet   the face and body—how do soft foods affect their disrupted
          and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this rea-  development? There is no discussion of the possibility that
          son, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are necessarily   the diets of agriculturalists might be less nutrient-dense than
          technical. It is very important for us to describe the science   that of hunter-gatherers, less rich in animal foods like fish and
          that supports the legitimacy of our dietary principles. In   organ meats, for example. Any mention of nutrition would
          articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we provide a   force these researchers to consider the work of Weston A.
          summary of the main points and also put the most techni-
          cal information in sidebars. These articles are balanced by   Price, and that would lead them down some very uncomfort-
          others that provide practical advice to our lay readers.  able paths.
         18                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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