Page 13 - Spring2015
P. 13


          tall, skinny vegetarian—six foot six  Thanks for everything you do!    be found by doing an Internet search for
          inches tall and one hundred sixty-five                   Wade Larson   your location and Bau Biologist.
          pounds. I plunged into a diet that in-         Bellingham, Washington                   Warren Woodward
          cluded lots of raw meat and raw organ                                                     Sedona, Arizona
          meats, and I discovered that too swift of  ANTI-SMART METERS
          even a dietary change‒even a positive     Thank you for covering the electro-  SNAKE OIL
          one‒seemed to plunge me into further  magnetic radiation (EMR) issue so well      Amy Worthington's article on smart
          mid-life chaos. After a terrible year, I  in your latest edition (Winter 2014).  meters (Winter, 2014) is an opinion not
          learned to take it easy with adopting the     I am an anti-“smart” meter activist   based on any scientific evidence. It's ba-
          new regimen, as well as all else.  in Arizona and longstanding WAPF    sically snake oil. It is based on hysterical
              The point being that, some five  member. When I first got into the   stories from women who clearly do have
          years later when I started taking cod  "smart" meter issue four years ago I   issues, but they have little if anything to
          liver oil, I only took about one-fourth  thought the health/EMF aspect of the   do with smart meters
          teaspoon daily. Better than nothing,  issue was our weakest argument against      A far greater worry should be our
          right? And so it went for another five  the meters. I thought that perhaps the   use of cell phones and cordless phones
          years, until a few months ago, when I  people with EMF-related health prob-  (worse than cell phones) which we all
          started to have severe dental pain due to  lems were hypochondriacs. But I kept   have in our homes.
          long-neglected teeth. I had begun seeing  an open mind and became aware of the      We also like to go wireless and
          a dentist months prior and I had several  huge health impacts that EMF has on all   now use WiFi for our TVs, our com-
          cavities. Priority was placed on the most  of us, not just those currently manifest  puters, wireless keyboards and mouse.
          urgent issues, but my ability to pay for   -ing symptoms.              We spend hours sitting in front of our
          the procedures has slowed progress.     As someone who has spent his life   computers, and don't recognize the
              When the pain became chronic,  focused on diet as the source of good   radiation from them. We also fail to be
          I was forced to survive on ibuprofen  health or ill health, it was quite an eye   concerned about the microwave ovens
          while waiting for my next dentist ap-  opener to realize that something we can-  in our homes because we are so used to
          pointment, ten days away! Then one  not even detect with our senses, EMF,   them and are basically ignorant of their
          day, I remembered reading about Dr.  could have such an effect.        harmful radiation we expose ourselves
          Price's work in reversing cavities in his     I have a friend who measures EMF   to daily. But we now create hysteria over
          patients with improved diet using cod  and remedies home and workplace   a smart meter because it is new, and we
          liver oil and butter oil. I suddenly real-  environments for a living. The con-  are basically clueless. So we attribute all
          ized that I needed to increase my cod  sistent before-and-after stories he has   our ailments to the smart meter.
          liver oil intake, and did so—to two full  of people's health are nothing short of      I have one and since it emits far
          teaspoons per day.                 miraculous—but not really since it is   less radiation than my cell phones or my
              After two days of this, my dental  all based on sound science.     cordless phones, my attention goes to
          pain began to subside! I soon didn't need     I urge everyone to heed the advice   limiting my cell phone use and putting
          painkillers, and within a week or so, I  in the Winter 2014 edition of Wise Tradi-  my cordless phone on “speaker” and put
          could comfortably eat foods that previ-  tions. Also, consider finding an EMF  it on the table. I have checked your site
          ously would have caused me great pain.  professional in your area and get mea-  and so far agree with everything I have
              I'll complete the remaining dental  surements and remediation for your   read with the exception of your smart
          work, of course, which is amalgam-free.  place, especially your bedroom since   meter article.
          My dentist says other than the cavities,  it is extremely important to get good,        Geraldine Vaccaro
          my gums and teeth mineralization are  rejuvenating sleep, something your          West Palm Beach, Florida
          excellent. By the way, my weight these  body will not get under constant EMF
          days is around two hundred fifty pounds.  bombardment. Professionals can often

 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           11

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