Page 48 - Spring2015
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Despite the           Theories and treatments of the day designed  were the major killers of that era, and the “ac-
           predominant        to address this worsening crisis were abject  cessory factors,” namely vitamins, became the
                              failures. Many experts sided with the theory of  major focus of nutrition research for the next
             “science of  eugenics, believing that some people were simply  half of the century. Indeed, that era was a golden
                the day,”     doomed as “human wastage,” their ill health a  age for nutrition research, and many important
                scientists    result of weak or defective genes.  But babies  discoveries were made.
                              of the rich and well-off were also suffering and
          slowly picked  dying.  Great minds of the day turned to food  WESTON A. PRICE
                apart the     and the diet.                                 Probably the greatest nutrition researcher of
              puzzles of      GOLDEN AGE OF VITAMIN HUNTERS              the twentieth century was Dr. Weston A. Price
                                                                         (1870-1948), a dentist who was raised on a farm in
              deficiency          Nutrition study at the beginning of the 1900s  Canada.  With his wife, Florence, he traveled the
                 diseases     was a fledgling science, and researchers came  world studying diets of indigenous peoples and
                  such as     from many fields: agriculture, biochemistry and  recorded the effect of their diets on their dental,
                              chemistry, dentistry, anatomy, medicine, physiol-
                                                                         physical and mental health. He also documented
                  rickets,  ogy, hygiene, home economics, health education,  the effects of  “foods of commerce,” such as white
                 pellagra,    anthropology and others. The twentieth century  rice, canned milk, and white flour on the facial

           beriberi, and      was a golden age filled with important discov-  structure, rates of dental caries and the overall
                              eries of essential nutrients, their roles in the  physical health of these groups. His work applies
          scurvy, which  prevention of disease, and the implementation of  not only to dentistry but also to related fields,
             were major       these findings into public health nutrition policy.  such as anthropology, genetics, health education,
                 killers of   Many Nobel Prizes were awarded to scientists in  chemistry, physiology and medicine.
                                                                            At his Cleveland dental clinic, Dr. Price
                              the field of nutrition science. Nutrition science
                 that era.    today is the heart and major driving force weld-  also worked extensively with children, adults
                              ing together diet, genetics, disease, disability,  and families, applying the nutrition principles
                              and other related fields.                  he developed during his career and using the
                                  At the beginning of the twentieth century,  knowledge established by early scientists who
                              the germ theory of Robert Koch and the work  had identified vitamins A, B, C, D, E and others.
                              of Louis Pasteur guided scientific thinking.  In his most famous work, Nutrition and Physi-
                              The principles of Justus von Liebig (1803-1873),  cal Degeneration, he cites many of these early
                              who contended that food contained only three  pioneers who built the foundations of nutrition
                              elements (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) and  science up to his time. 7
                              refused to acknowledge that any other substances     Price also was working at the height of the
                              could play a role in health, also dominated sci-  eugenics movement, which he addressed in Nu-
                              entific thought and held sway over health policy  trition and Physical Degeneration. Price showed
                              for many years.  Liebig even promoted baby  that humans suffered disease and disability,
                              formulas based on his own principles which  mentally as well as physically, not because of
                              were devoid of essential vitamins and minerals.  “bad genes,” but because elements of the modern
                              Babies fed on these formulas developed infantile  diet caused degeneration in the expression of
                              scurvy in large numbers. While the babies of  the human genome, which continued to appear
                              the well-to-do suffered because families could  in successive generations. Through his work he
                              afford to buy these formulas, infants of the poor  established the basis for the work we now call
                              suffered even more because of hunger, famine  epigenetics.
                              and poverty. 1                                In addition to his magnum opus, Dr. Price
                                  In this era researchers who opposed these  wrote books related to dental practice, along with
                              views were criticized, taunted and discouraged.  many articles published in medical journals. Dr.
                              But despite the predominant “science of the  Price’s papers (and those of other researchers)
                              day,” scientists slowly and successfully picked  are archived at the Price-Pottenger Nutrition
                              apart the puzzles of the deficiency diseases such  Foundation, founded in 1952 and presently head-
                              as rickets, pellagra, beriberi and scurvy, which  quartered in Lemon Grove, California, which
         46                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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