Page 56 - Spring2015
P. 56
The MyPlate Dietary Guidelines:
Obsession with Calories and Fat
by Kimberly Hartke
s the U.S. government putting our entire nation on a
calorie-restricted diet, whether we need it or not? It
Iwould seem so, as is one of the
most calorie-conscious websites in cyberspace.
Take the downloadable consumer brochure on the
message is introduced via the subtitle, “Build a Healthy Plate,” claiming
that “low-fat dairy products and lean protein foods contain the nutrients
you need without too many calories.” It goes on to promote the calorie-
vigilant mindset with a segment called “Cut Back on Foods High in Solid
Fats” (because they contain extra calories, it explains) followed by “Eat the
Right Amount of Calories” (did you know we all have a “personal calorie
limit”?), and finally wraps up with a section encouraging physical activity
presumably for the express purpose burning calories.
54 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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