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tropical oils.                            fats, short chain fatty acids that inhibit growth of pathogenic fungi, and
              We will need to go offline and consult a  medium chain fatty acids that disable many pathogenic viruses and other
          WAPF source for that information. According  organisms… glycolipids that have anti-infective properties, and conjugated
          to Mary Enig, in her book, Know Your Fats,  linoleic acid (CLA) that has anti-carcinogenic properties.” Enig also reports
          pork fat (lard) is about forty percent saturated,  grass-fed ruminant butter to have high levels of vitamin A, and that butter
          fifty percent monounsaturated, and contains  and real cream have healthful components not found in any other food.
          ten percent polyunsaturated fatty acids. What a     Enig was a proponent of tropical oils such as palm and coconut. "Palm
          coincidence: My Plate highly recommends fats  oil is one of the most important edible oils in the world," she noted, and
          that contain sixty percent monounsaturated and  "coconut oil is an important source of nutrients. . . a source of lauric acid,
          polyunsaturated fatty acids. Plus, lard is also one  which is important for infant formulas. . . where it plays a critical role."
          of our richest dietary sources of vitamin D.      We must question the integrity of the USDA dietary guidelines.
              Mary Enig also had this to say about but- totally disregards numerous fats that are vital to hu-
          ter: “It is definitely a fat with health potentiat-  man health.
          ing properties. . . it is a source of antimicrobial
                                                    Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation.

                             BACK ISSUES OF WiseTraditions AND OTHER INFORMATIVE LITERATURE

          Fall 2006     Is Vitamin D Toxic?; Sunlight and Melanoma; Vegetable Oil Nightmare; Saturated Fat Attack; Picky Eaters.
          Winter 2007   Children’s Issue: Gut and Psychology Syndrome; Vitamins for Fetal Development, Traditional Remedies.
          Summer 2010*   Activator Update; Holistic Treatment for Allergies; Acid Reflux; Dangers of Root Canals; Soul Food Recipes.
          Fall 2010     Essential Fatty Acids; Magnesium; Healthy Skin; Sacred Foods for Children; Tale of Two Calves.
          Winter 2010   Joel Salatin on the Politics of Food; Saving the Polish Countryside; Biological Farming; Bitters; Glutathione in Raw Milk.
          Spring 2011*   Liver Health; Vitamin B6; USDA 2010 Dietary Guidelines; Good Breakfasts; Stoneware; Cheese is Serious.
          Summer 2011   Sulfur Deficiency; The Importance of Salt; The Senomyx Scandal; Why We Crave; Raw Milk Safety.
          Fall 2011     Pork - Live Blood Analysis Study; Pork Recipes; The Accumulated Wisdom of Primitive People; Protein Primer.
          Spring 2012*   Good Fats, Bad Fats; China Study Myth; Salt and Our Health; Sustenance from Soup; Soy and Thyroid Cancer.
          Summer 2012   Nutrient Deficiencies from Drugs; Vaccination Update; Raw Milk Microscope Study; GAPS Diet for Mental Illness.
          Fall 2012     Vitamin & Mineral Synergies; California's Ancient Cornucopia; All About Bacon; The Raw Milk Institute; Tooth Decay.
          Winter 2012   Vitamin A Synergies; The Story of Zinc; Natural Skin Cream; Slovenian Soups and Stews; Soy Infant Formula.
          Spring 2013   Nutritional Roots of Violence; Glycine for Mental Stability; Pork Study; Homeopathy for Mental Illness.
          Summer 2013   Our Broken Food Supply; The Marketing of Crisco; GMOs in Europe; Insights of a Meat Processor; Natto.
          Fall 2013     GMO Dangers; RoundUp Dangers: Culinary Traditions in Romania; The Battle for the People's Milk.
          Winter 2013   Beyond Cholesterol; Cancer as a Healing Strategy; Grain Traditions in Russia; Push to Pasteurize Breast Milk.
          Spring 2014   Dr. Price's Scientific Approach; Weston Price and the Fluoridationists; Cows and Climate; Economics of Raw Milk.
          Summer 2014   Nutrition for the Elderly; A New Look at Alzheimer's Disease; In Defense of Wheat; Dangers of Vegetable Oils.
          Fall 2014     What Causes Heart Attacks? The Myogenic Theory of Heart Disease; Thrombi in Heart Disease; Liver Detoxification.
          Winter 2014   Effects of Smart Phones on the Blood; Dangers of Smart Meters; Protection Against EMR; US Dietary Guidelines.

                                       All articles from all journals are posted at
                                           Back issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
                                              *These issues are discounted to $5/each.
              HEALTHY BABY ISSUE: Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Baby Formula; Vaccinations; Baby Food; Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
                   HEART DISEASE ISSUE: What Causes Heart Disease? Benefits of High Cholesterol; Oiling of America and more.
                                          Special issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
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                                     28-page Dietary Guidelines Booklets in English, French or Spanish
                                   $1 each (includes shipping & handling), 60 cents each for 100 or more.
                                                       TRIFOLD FLYERS
                        Real Milk             Soy Alert!            How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer with Food
                        All  About  Trans Fats    Why Butter is Better   Myths & Truths About Cholesterol
                                             Cod Liver Oil, Our Number One Superfood
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