Page 64 - Spring2015
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We have not yet observed the full effects of doctor for nearly every sniffle and sneeze during her tender years. This is
the birth control hormones that Dolly is ingest- where it all begins: at the pediatrician’s. Parents and children are trained
ing daily but we can only imagine what may to depend on “the professional” to make important health decisions and
superimpose on Dolly’s life in the next decade. accept taking drugs as normal behavior. This is where mothers are con-
vinced that their instincts are not scientific, that fever should be quashed
NUX VOMICA: POISON NEUTRALIZER with Tylenol, allergies ought to be tamped down with steroids, that young
According to Dr. William Boericke in girls are birth-control-pill deficient, and, up until only a few decades ago,
Homeopathic Materia Medica, “Nux vomica is that breastfeeding is unnecessary and even barbaric.
the greatest of polychrests [medicine that cures
many diseases], because the bulk of its symp- STEPS DOLLY CAN TAKE
toms correspond in similarity with those of the The first step is for Dolly to get off the drugs. This can be done by
commonest and most frequent of diseases. It is offering homeopathics first, so that the need for the drugs becomes ob-
frequently the first remedy, indicated after much solete. This would include employing a protocol for her gut dysbiosis as
dosing [of pharmaceuticals], establishing a sort of well as one for depression and then aiming backwards towards her origi-
equilibrium of forces and counteracting chronic nal complaint of blemishes. Each of these conditions will be thoroughly
effects. Nux vomica is pre-eminently the remedy resolved via homeopathy and Dolly will be back on solid ground. This is
for many of the conditions incident to modern not to say that all drugs can or ought to be stopped abruptly by everyone
life.” in all circumstances. Such a sweeping generalization carries potentially
Dr. Roger Morrison in The Desktop Guide dangerous consequences. But in Dolly’s situation, antibiotics, birth control
to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms lists pills and psychotropic drugs are, at best, superfluous.
Nux vomica for breakdown from substance abuse Next is to offer a dose of Nux vomica 200 that can be taken once daily
and notes its significance in antidoting a simple for three days. This will help settle the chaos. It’s likely that her stomach
hangover. Dr. Douglas M. Gibson tells us that pains, gas, and even depression will relent enough, once off the drugs,
“The treatment of a much-medicated patient, so to allow her to move to a more intelligent way to treat each of her other
frequent a type nowadays, may well be started conditions.
with Nux vomica in high potency.” Dolly will need to tighten up the purity and choices of her food for
In worldwide practices, it is the premiere some time while taking up a homeopathic protocol to right the wrongs the
remedy not only to antidote the ill effects of antibiotics caused her gut health. Her symptoms will dictate the remedy
drugs but the effects of other substances such as choice. If she suffers chronic constipation, in which she cannot complete a
alcohol and street drugs. Dr. Gallavardin, in his bowel motion, the protocol that will likely antidote this will be Chelidonium
book, Homeopathic Treatment of Alcoholism, 30 mixed with Nux vomica 200, taken twice daily for approximately six
published in 1890, devotes nearly the entirety of weeks.
his treatise on the importance of Nux vomica for Next, it’s time to review what Dolly could have done to take care of her
substance abuse. minor problem with homeopathy. Acne is often best met with Hepar sulph
Unlike herbs, enemas, supplements, and so 200 mixed with Arsenicum album 200 taken every other day for about six
on, homeopathic remedies must be chosen with weeks. Often that’s enough time to eliminate the problem permanently.
a less sweeping brush. Nux vomica is not to be I learned this little trick in Calcutta at the side of the great Drs. Banerji
administered willy-nilly, but must be chosen where they assured me of the efficacy of this medicine for acne. They were
based on the substances abused as well as on the right. I witness the success of this protocol time and time again. In fact,
way the person responds to the drugs. for nearly any medical condition that Dolly might encounter, with a little
effort she might easily have rooted it out safely with homeopathy.
So what is the solution? Dolly must stay Join Joette for inspiration and free homeo-information with the
clear of drugs that pollute the body and may research section of her blog Visit courses.
project compounded symptoms into her future. to find courses such as “Good
The way to do this is to consider food changes, Gut Bad Gut,” for using homeopathy for GI disorders, and “Skin: The Ugly
add patience and sufficient time to heal, perhaps Truth,” Joette’s course on skin conditions and homeopathic protocols. Go
a homeopathic remedy, and drop the idea that to the front page of or call (716) 941.1045 to
drugs are harmless when taken in moderation. schedule a free 15-minute conversation with Joette to see if homeopathy
It is telling that Dolly’s mom took her to the is a fit for you and your family.
62 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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