Page 62 - Spring2015
P. 62

Fastidious     will develop in response to deployment of the  clear communication about your concerns. Get-

           practices are      Enlist system, which is designed to be applied  ting a written agreement that inputs are raised
                                                                         without herbicides is an important precaution and
                              to corn and soybean crops (and soon cotton) ge-
              needed to       netically modified to resist both herbicides. The  alerts your grower to the high level of vigilance
           protect food       chemical arms race, like any arms race, has no  you require.
                                                                            Understand  that  destroying  a  farm's  or
        plants from soil      endpoint other than mutually assured destruction    homestead's economic future for many years is
         contamination                                                   as simple as having “bought hay at auction, fed
         by herbicides.       PROTECT YOUR POTATOES!                     it to my horses, and put the manure in my hoop
                                  With aminopyralid in particular, there is  houses.” Realize that the people who produce this
                              no current test to detect its presence in soils. So  poison have one thing to say to you when your
                              for growers, fastidious practices are needed to  farm and financial future are destroyed by their
                              protect food plants. First, any compost should be  deeds: “What I was told by Dow is that they are
                              bio-assayed before purchase (see sidebar below)  not legally responsible for it.”
                              until testing for aminopyralid contamination     You must be absolutely sure of what you are
                              becomes affordable and available. Second, for  obtaining as a grower of any scale and kind. The
                              those needing hay, visually inspect the fields  chemical companies deny any and all responsi-
                              before and during harvest. If the field lacks clo-  bility for damage caused by contamination from
                              vers and similar broadleaf plants, there is reason  their killer moneymakers. Their bureaucratic
                              for concern. Milestone is a broad leaf herbicide,  buddies and political pals ensure these protec-
                              so any field that lacks typical broadleaf pasture  tions are in place.
                              plants is a prime suspect for having had it, or a     Only you can protect your growing spaces.
                              similar product applied at some point. Good hay  Also, in cases of damage caused by overspray
                              should contain a perennial polyculture of various  and drift, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense
                              grasses mixed with other species.          Fund may be able to help if you document the
                                  Also, note the risk of fence lines and other  incident properly and promptly.
                              boundary areas. Many farmers won't spray their
                              main fields, but may use these chemicals for fence  REFERENCES
                              lines, around outbuildings, and other similar   1.
                              maintenance applications. This means that the   2.
                              hay, straw or animal manures from grazing along   3.    ments/food_and_agriculture/rise-of-superweeds.pdf
                              these areas may be contaminated. Some bales of   challenge-continues/;
                              hay or straw may thus be clean, while others may   dupont-label-says-do-not-compost-grass-clippings/; http://
                              be heavily contaminated.                      75-air-rain-samples-gov-study-finds; http://healthimpact-
                                  The best defense is a good relationship with
                              the people who supply your growing inputs and   spcap/pesticides/documents/AminopyralidGardenerRespon-

                                             BIO-ASSAY FOR COMPOST SAFETY

               Until reliable tests for herbicide contamination are available, growers must rely on less precise methods. Bio-assays
           require advance planning, since you will need at least four to six weeks to complete the test, and will want a time cushion
           in case something goes wrong with the trial and you must retest. You don't want to be a few weeks out from planting
           only to realize that you lack certainty regarding the safety of your soil.
               The bio-assay is a typical high school science experiment, involving two sets of plants, one using known clean plant-
           ing soil, one using soil containing compost or other inputs that may be herbicide contaminated. A full explanation of this
           method, along with helpful pictures, is available for free from Washington State University,

         60                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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