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traditional agricultural methods, with very low  the global solidarity of farmers in the face of corporate globalization. The
          mechanization, and without the use of chemicals,  corporate takeover of agriculture has impoverished farmers, starved com-
          so the soil is healthier, and so are the plants grown  munities, and force-fed us hazardous genetically-engineered crops, only to
          there. The majority of small farms are no larger  line the pockets of a handful of multinational corporations like Monsanto at
          than five hectares.                       the expense of farmers who are struggling for land and livelihood around
              Industrial-bent foreign corporations are keen  the world!”
          to expand their operations in Poland, and many     You can read more about land grabs by multinationals at the Pesticide
          small farmers see the increasingly ridiculous  Action Network, as well as other sites. The actions of these companies
          regulations as an attempt to force families off  keep the world hungry and sick, not well-fed. As the Global Policy Forum
          their land.                               explains, unfair distribution of land, and unfair access to ownership explain
              Furthermore, one of Poland’s biggest indus-  much of the poverty and hunger in the world—not, as biotech would have
          trial producers, Smithfield (the world’s biggest  us believe, the inability to grow enough food. It̕ s all about distribution.
          pork producer, which bought Poland’s Animex     It is the one-percenters, owning most of the multinational companies,
          SA in 1999) is influencing the largely right-wing  not rural farmers, who commandeer the land. Even when small farmers do
          government. They own a string of sixteen hog  own land, they still suffer from inequality due to government regulations
          farms where conditions have been called “hor-  that favor these enormous companies.
          rendous,” so you know                                                                  The struggle for land
          they are not interested                                                               reform, which would
          in protecting small                                                                   shift the balance of
          farmers’ land rights                                                                  power in favor of
          or producing high-                                                                    marginalized land-
          quality, non-GMO,                                                                     less farmers, has been
          organic food.                                                                         going on for many
              The triad of gov-                                                                 decades. However
          ernment and corpo-                                                                    the food and financial
          rate interests in Po-                                                                 crises contribute to
          land along with EU                                                                    worsening the trend
          pressure  is  causing                                                                 towards land concen-
          the protests to reach a                                                               tration, in which gov-
          more fevered pitch.                       ernments, agro-industrial corporations and private investors buy up fertile
              Another farmer said, “These protests are  land in poor countries, largely to spread GMOs depriving small farmers
          touching the raw nerve of what’s wrong with  of their ability to grow their own food.
          the inhuman, neo-liberal and profit-obsessed     Read more:
          practices of today, practices which ignore the  protest-of-monsantos-gmo-crops/#ixzz3TGZ6bto5.
          real needs of farmers and consumers alike.”
              Polish farmers have joined millions of oth-
          ers in protesting against Monsanto, Cargill, and
          other biotech and Big Ag interests, which have
          little concern for the quality of our food supply.
          Farmers in over fifty countries have marched
          against Monsanto, so the thousands marching
          in Poland are not alone. Almost all states in the          JOURNAL NOW AVAILABLE AS
          U.S. have marched against Monsanto and Big      A DIGITAL TALKING BOOK FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED
          Ag, and Vermont recently staged a protest at the
          U.S.-Canadian border which involved more than      We now have our journal converted into an audio format for
          seventy-nine Vermont towns.                   the visually impaired. Special software is required for this, such
              Hillary Martin, a farmer from Burlington,   as Dolphin Easy Reader. Go to the JOURNALS tab on our home
          Vermont, states the internationally shared aims   page. Starting with Fall 2011, click the journal you are interested
          against these bullies clearly:                in. Please tell others! Many thanks to Amy Adams of ePubUSA.
                                                        com for this service!
              “We are here at the border to demonstrate
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