Page 76 - Spring2015
P. 76

Legislative Updates

                                             ONE FEDERAL AGENCY?
                                             By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                                  For almost two decades, officials have made  public attention and discussion of the issue.
                              proposals to combine all federal food safety     Combining food safety responsibilities into
                              regulation into a single agency. Currently, a  one agency separate from FDA does have poten-
                              total of fifteen federal agencies have some hand  tial benefits. The single biggest potential advan-
                              in implementing a patchwork of thirty different  tage would be a reduction in the complexity of
                              laws addressing food safety.               food regulation, creating a “one-stop shop” rather
                                  The USDA and the FDA are the two primary  than the current complex maze. Unfortunately
                              agencies, but figuring out even their respective  that advantage may never be realized. A single
                              responsibilities is enough to make one’s head  agency is certainly capable of creating enough
                              spin. The example that is often used to illustrate  regulatory mazes of its own to keep farmers and
                              the byzantine nature of the current federal food  food manufacturers confused.
                              regulatory system is that FDA regulates cheese
                              pizza, but USDA is involved in regulating pep-  INDUSTRY CAPTURE
                              peroni pizza. FDA regulates all fish, except for     Even if the new agency did provide some
                              catfish, which are overseen by USDA.       benefits, none of the proposals address one of the
                                  This illogical division of duties has serious  most serious problems with federal food safety
                              real-world repercussions for food safety. As just  regulation: industry capture of the agency. The
                              one example, USDA egg graders saw the filthy  revolving door through which agency officials
              Judith McGeary   conditions at a factory egg farm in 2010, but  come from and return to lucrative private in-
           is the Austin, Texas   they did nothing about it because the food safety  dustry jobs would remain unchanged. Without
            chapter leader, an
                 attorney and   aspects were FDA’s responsibility—USDA of-  serious reform of the role Big Business plays in
               small farmer in   ficials were there only to grade the eggs for size  setting the agenda for the government, shifting
               Austin, and the   and appearance. Ultimately, more than three  from multiple agencies to a single one is highly
          executive director of   hundred million eggs were recalled from the  unlikely to result in any substantive changes.
          the Farm and Ranch   operation because of Salmonella, in an outbreak     The current “food safety czar” at the FDA,
            Freedom Alliance.   that sickened nearly a thousand people across the  Michael Taylor, exemplifies this problem. For the
             She has a B.S. in   country.                                last thirty years, he has gone from private law
                 biology from
           Stanford University      The “Safe Food Act of 2015,” which would  practice with Monsanto as a client, to the FDA,
           and a J.D. from the   combine all food safety responsibilities into one  to the USDA, back to private law practice, then
           University of Texas   agency, is the fifth such bill filed by Rep. Rosa  a four-year stint as president of public policy for
            at Austin. She and   DeLauro (D-CT) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL).  Monsanto, and now back to the FDA. In his ear-
                 her husband   Historically, the idea has had no momentum.  lier stint with FDA, he co-authored the agency’s
                  run a small   But the dynamics may be changing. President  position that genetically engineered foods are
             grass-based farm   Obama’s budget includes a restructuring of food  “substantially  similar”  to  non-GMO  foods
            with sheep, cattle,   safety responsibilities into a single new agency  and thus no labeling is required; in his current
           horses, and poultry.                                          position, he is overseeing the new Food Safety
                    For more   within the U.S. Department of Health and Hu-
             information go to   man Services (HHS). Given the makeup of this  Modernization Act regulations, which show a
               farmandranch-  Congress, the fact that the President supports the  very clear bias in favor of chemical and GMO
      or   idea makes it less likely it will pass and become  agriculture. Simply moving people like Taylor
           call (254) 697-2661.   law. On the other hand, it guarantees greater  from FDA to a new agency will not change what
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