Page 116 - Summer2008
P. 116

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
               Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                                               Pasture-Raised Products

                                                                          9/4*                               9/4

                                                                                    GREEN PASTURES
                                                                                  Makers of Minnesota Farmstead TM
                                                                                    GOUDA and other CHEESES
                                                                                  100% Grassfed
                                                                 10/1*            Premium quality raw milk (not
                                                                                   pasteurized or heat treated)
                                                                                  Rich in CLA, vitamin A, calcium,
                                                                                   balanced fatty acids
                                                                                 Our  handcrafted,  perfectly  aged,
                                                                                 raw  milk  Gouda  cheese  is  pro-
                                                                                 duced entirely from the milk of our
                                                                                 completely grassfed, seasonal dairy
                                                                                 Also: SUMMER SAUSAGE
                                                                                  Nitrate- and MSG-Free
                                                                                  Made from our grassfed beef &
                                                                                   pastured pork
                                                                                        (218) 384-4513
                                                                                  2353 Bromfield Road Carlton, MN 55718
                                                                      9/4                                     9/4*

                                                                         9/2                                9/4*
         114                                        Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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