Page 113 - Summer2008
P. 113

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                Healthy Products                                                        Funding Needed
          NATURAL  PRODUCTS.  Life  Energy  Store:   SAWSOMME   (SAW-SOM-ME)   represents   FARMSTEAD FRESH Inc. is soliciting investors
          Nourish your body, heart & spirit. Delicious   Sunshine - Air - Water - Soil - Ocean - Minerals   to  help  with  business  expansion. The  busi-
          nutritious  foods:  pure  chocolates,  coconut,   -  Microbes  -  Energies.  Properly  balances   ness is known for training sustainable dairy

          mesquite, agave, salts. Additive-free supple-  life’s  precious  bene!ts.  All  are  needed  in   farmers in making gourmet quality “One Step
          ments.  Natural  soaps.  More  nourishing,   agriculture to start, nurture and sustain life’s   Above  Organic”  grass-fed  raw  milk  cheese
          earth-honoring, healing products to vitalize   requirements. SASE. Ed Heine, 14N446 Hwy   and marketing it.
                                             20, Hampshire, IL 60140. (847) 464-5987.
          your  vibrant  health  and  well-being!  www.                                                                               *10/1                                                                       9/3
          LifeEnergyStore. com (888) 846-6412 magic@

         10/1*   TENNESSEE  BED  &  BREAKFAST.  Spend  your   GIVE A JOB is a non-pro!t initiative in Israel
                                                                                 which  needs  help  funding  a  green  house
                                             next  vacation  on  a  working  farm,  LaBelle   and olive press. The aim is to create jobs for
          WATER  PURIFICATION.  Health-enhancing   Acres in Jamestown, TN. Guests are welcome   those su#ering poverty. Tax exempt receipts

          water  from  your  tap,  certi!ed  by  NSF,  Dr.   to !sh in the ponds, !ght chickens for eggs,   given. For more info, please email Shapir at
          Masaru  Emoto  tested,  generate  income  as   or just sit on the porch rocker. Breakfast foods         *9/2
          independent marketing consultant for estab-  are supplied, guests are welcome to prepare
          lished international company o#ering water   them  when  they  desire.  For  more  informa-  INVESTORS NEEDED. Next Level Productions

          !ltration/puri!cation/energization units and   tion,  call  (931)  863-5594  or  labelleacres@  is  seeking  investors  to  complete  its  docu-

          more,  (800)  679 or http://www.bedandbreakfast.  mentary !lm “Body Armor.” The !lm follows

          7042 ext 7321.                   9/3  com/tennessee-jamestown-labelle-acres. html.   the  journey  of  individuals  with  chronic  ill-
                                                                                 nesses as they explore natural medicine and
                                             VERMONT FARM seeks 2008 apprentices. We   alternative therapies. Contact Gabe Golden.
             Farming/Wapf Lifestyle          integrate  American  Milking  Devon  cattle,   (310)  779-2816,  Gabegolden310@yahoo.
                                             pigs and chickens with growing and ferment-  com.                 *9/4
          COMMUNITY HOUSING. Creating !rst of 12   ing  six  tons  of  vegetables.  Our  grain-free

          holistic  assisted  living  homes  for  elderly  in   cows support raw milk sales plus butter and   MILK MOVIE. Grass roots e#ort needed. For

          Aurora, Colorado. Am looking for chef/nutri-  cheese  making.  We  focus  on  selling  nutri-  documentary.  Help  us  make  a  di#erence!

          tionist/teacher  to  implement  healthy  cook-  ent-dense foods while eating well ourselves!   Soliciting funds to shoot a documentary of
          ing  and  eating,  following  the  teaching  of   Learning  opportunities  include  milking,   the story of raw milk. Every dollar will help us
          Sally Fallon & Victoria Boutenko. Also looking   biodynamics, natural livestock care. Positions   bring the story of this incredible healing food
          for  investors,  grants,  funding  help.  Contact   available April to November, short and long   to  the  screen.  Douglass,  Schmid,  McAfee,
          Alan at (303) 823-0291 or abolo10@earthlink.  term. Cabins, food, laundry, Internet access   Fallon  and  others  will  play  major  roles  in
          net.                             9/4  and lots of education. Call Doug Flack, (802)   bringing  you “The  Raw Truth.”  Send  checks
                                             933-7752, Flack Family Farm, www."ackfami-  payable to: White Tiger Productions C/O First

          COMMUNITY AND FARM FORMING in Central                9/4  Republic  Bank,  1099  4th  St.  San  Rafael,  CA
          CA seeks WAPF a!cionados to be cofounders.                             94901.                            *7

          We value community, sustainability, self-su$  -
          ciency, organic farming and nourishing food.   Services                         Healing Arts
          We hold regular meetings in San Francisco.
          Join  us!  For  more  info,  visit  redskymorn.  ARTICLES NEEDED. NATIONAL DIRECTORY of   ANCIENT  TRADITIONAL  HEALING  WAYS.
             9/2   organic food sources and other natural Health   Awaken  vibrant  health  and  well-being  in
                                             Products needs articles, new releases, recipes,   body,  mind  and  spirit  with  extraordinary

          COSTA RICA. Mighty Rivers Haven, on Costa   and  information  about  your  products  and   ancient teachings and e#ective self-empow-
          Rica’s  Caribbean  coastal  area,  invites  you   services for further issues. Advertising avail-  ering  tools.  Holistic  counseling,  energy

          to stake out your own 5-acre plot in a land   able. Sample $3. Bu#alo Creek Publications,   healings, retreats. Discount for WAPF mem-

          that literally "ows wih raw milk and honey.   PO Box 397, Bu#alo Lake, MN 55314.    *9/3   bers. JoAnne Dodgson EdD, www.pathway-

          Experience  year  round  eco-tropical  luxury                ,  (888)  846-6412,  joanne@
          in a traditional foods setting. Common area   PACKAGING.  Azure  Packaging,  custom  bot-           9/2
          includes  large  mountain  river  jungle  and   tling, packaging & encapsulating small runs
          natural  swimming  pool.  Tours  &  lodging,   no  problem-  full  lab  analysis  available  call   DR. NICK SAUNDERS . WAPF oriented physi-
          vacation packages.    Jason Mobil. (402) 336-7130, fax (402) 338-  cian, located in Copley, Ohio, (330) 760-1975.
                                       10/1*  5555.                           9/2  Specializing  in  meno-
                                                                                 pause, andropause, aging.                              9/2
          COWS WANTED: Several grass-fed milk cows   REMODELING. Michael’s Remodelling, Baths,
          or  heifers,  within  300  miles  of  Harrison,   Basements, Kitchens, Decks. Serving Northern
          Arkansas. Pastured poultry for sale. Fresh or   Virginia  for  17  years.  Michael Meredith (703)
          frozen,  no  hormones  or  antibiotics.  North   764-9563.                                               9/3
          Central  Arkansas  (870)  427-3039  littlegiant-
          SUMMER 2008                                Wise Traditions                                          111
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