Page 114 - Summer2008
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Healing Arts Pasture-Raised Products
FEMALE reproductive health and empow-
ered mothering through herbs, oils,
essences, and whole foods, with emphasis
on a TRADITIONAL DIET. Fertility, pregnancy,
PMS and menopause. Private consultations,
private and group cooking lessons available.
Maryland, DC, NoVA. Monica Corrado, (240)
988-9312, 9/4
FOOD AS MEDICINE Workshop. Sharon A.
Kane, Instructor. Get the most out of your
food! Ongoing classes teach gentle detoxi-
!cation protocols and hands-on instruction
in the making of kombucha, ke!r, gluten- 9/3 9/4
free bread and lacto-fermented pickles.
Call Sharon A. Kane, (508) 881-5678, email or visit: www.sanc- 9/4
HOMEOPATHIC Care for Babies and Children.
Join the Kairos Network Homeopathic Study
Group. Member of WAPF, NCH, HEAR, and the
Catskill Medicine Wheel. Low cost, e"ective,
very useful for self care and home prescrib-
ing. Tutoring by mail for Study Group mem-
bers only. Beginners welcome. Make this part
of your prepared parenting program. Send
SASE to: Liz Potter, 321 Wahl Road, Livingston
Manor, NY 12758. 10/1
10/1 9/2
9/4 9/2
112 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2008