Page 111 - Summer2008
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

             Farm Products by State
          NJ                                 PA                                  Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys,

          Fresh Vital Foods from fertile soil. A natural   Bareville  Creamery  100%  Grassfed  o!ers   made on our family farm with Celtic seasalt.
          function of soil, sun, rain, and compost and   Cultured Butter and Farmstead Cheese. We   No grain fed. Also grass-fed beef and lamb
          traditional, sustainable farming. Brown eggs   ship  to  you!  Or  visit  our  farm  to  pick  up.   and pastured chickens, turkeys and eggs. No
          with  orange  yokes  from  chickens  on  grass   Special  price  on  Fall  2006  butter.  Call  for   hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales. Wil-
          pasture.  Seasonal  vegetables  and  Native   prices Daniel Zook, Leola, (717) 656-4422.    Ar Farm, Newville, PA (717) 776-6552.     11/2
          American fruits & nuts: Persimmon, Pawpaw,                      9/4
          Black  Walnut,  Hazelnut.  River  Birch  Micro                         Heirloom  Herbs  and  Vegetables  in  sea-

          Farm,19 Forman Ave Monroe Township, New   Certi"ed,  Organic,  no-grain  dairy,  selling   son.  Salad-greens  grown  chemical-free.
          Jersey 08831 (732) 605-0444.        9/3  raw milk and raw milk cheeses. Also organic   Fermented  zucchini,  beet  kvass  and  mor-
                                             bread  grains  and  raw  honey.  Hope  Springs   Sourdough breads by order (no sales Sun).
          NY                                 Farm Loren Weaver Family, East Earl, PA,17519   John  Z.  Stoltzfus,  Heirloom  Gardens,  549
          All  natural  grass-fed  black  Angus,  located   Telephone: 717-445-0281.           9/2  Beaver  Dam  Road,  Honeybrook  PA,  19344
          in  the  Finger  Lakes  of  New  York,  sold  by                       (610) 273-2633.              10/1*

          the  quarter  or  half.  Call  (315)  536-7208.   Certi"ed  Organic  Dairy.  Raw  milk  cheese
          Southview Angus Farm, Penn Yan, NY.     9/4*  pastured chickens,turkeys, pigs, 100% grass-  TN

                                             "nished beef, beef & chicken broth. Call for   We are a family farm o!ering all-natural, deli-

          Biodynamic raw milk available through herd-  more  information  (717)  786-8093,  Green   cious, grass-fed lamb, pork, beef and, chicken.
          lease  program.  Also  pastured  chickens  and   Hills Farm, John & Annie Esh, Quarryville, PA,   We  now  o!er  Jersey  heifers  for  family  milk

          fresh  eggs  available.  Pleroma  Farm,  Arthur   17566.                                                                  11/4  cows  (gentle!!)  Call  (866)  866-3287.  Ask  for
          Lups, Hudson, NY (518) 828-1966.       9/3                             Justin  or  Liberty  or  email:  topoftheworld-

                                             Certi"ed  organic  grass-fed  dairy.  Raw  milk           9/4
          Certi"ed  organic  grass-fed  dairy.  Raw  milk   cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream

          cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream   etc.  from  Jersey  cows.  Eggs  from  pastured   VA
          etc.  from  Jersey  cows.  Eggs  from  pastured   chickens. Grass-fed beef, pork, chicken, rab-  Manassas  Milk  Project  has  raw  milk  shares
          chickens. Grassfed beef, pork, chicken, rabbit   bit and turkey. Call for information. Will ship.   available.  Milk  is  from  your  own  pastured
          and turkey. Long Island drop. (717) 768-3437   (717)  768-3437  Pleasant  Pasture  Organic   Jersey cow. Western View Farm, Call Martha
          Pleasant Pasture Organic Acres.        9/4  Acres.                10/4  Bender (540) 788-9663.          9/4

          OH                                 Raw Dairy Products from our grassfed Jersey   Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar
          Ber-Gust Farm − pastured, miniature Jersey   cows.  Eggs  from  our  free-range  pastured   beef,  pigaerator  pork,  pastured  chickens,
          dairy cows. All natural beef, pork, poultry and   chickens. Beef from our own beef cows. Pork   turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits.
          produce.  Also  jams,  jellies,  honey  &  apple-  from  our  own  pigs.  Running  Water  Farm,   Near  Staunton.  Some  delivery  available.

          butter.  Waynes"eld,  Ohio.  (419)  230-2195,   Isaac & Mattie King, 1238 Clay Rd. Lititz, PA-  Call (540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.      9/3
          (419) 230-2194, www.ber-gustfarms net. 9/3  17543, (717) 627-3177.         11/4
          Jubilee Meadow Farm, LLC - All-grass dairy   Raw Dairy Products from our 100% grass-fed   100%  Grass-fed  Organic  Black  Angus  beef,
          with Dutch Belted Ayrshire cows. Very small   Jerseys.  Free-range,  grass-fed,  chicken,  tur-  Pastured pork and chicken. Beef and pork fat
          fat particles, very easy to digest. Herdshares   keys. Suckling veal, whey-fed pork, lard. We   (tallow & leaf lard), organ meats and chicken
          available, also grass-fed beef, pork, poultry, &   do  not  use  hormones  or  antibiotics.  Shady   feet.  MSG  &  Nitrate-free  all-beef  hotdogs,
          eggs. North of Columbus, o! I-71. (419) 946-  Acres,  Glenn  Wise,  8514  Elizabethtown   deli roast beef, kielbasa and naturally cured

          1413 or        9/2  Rd.  Elizabethtown,  PA,  17022,  Shipping   hams  and  bacon.  Also,  traditional  cooking
                                             Available. (717) 361-1640.          9/3  instruction. Anderson Farm is located 45 min.
          OR                                                                     SW of Eau Claire WI. (888) 700-FARM (3276),
          Grass-fed  beef,  pastured  pork,  chicken  and   Pasture-raised  raw  milk  and  dairy  foods.,  www.ander-
          lamb.  No  antibiotics,  hormones,  synthetic   Also chicken, turkey, veal and beef. Nature’s               9/3
          nitrogen  fertilizers.  We  ship  mixed  boxes   Sunlight  Farm,  Mark  and  Maryann  Nolt,   Certi"ed,  Organic,  soy-free  dairy,  raw  milk

          starting at $119 for 20 lbs. Discount for local   Newville, PA, (717) 776-3417.         9/4  cheese,  cultured  butter,  cream,  yogurt,
          pickup. Also raw cow’s milk. Visit us at www.                          cottage  cheese,  colostrum.  Also  full  line  of

 (541) 998-4697.       9/3  Certi"ed raw milk and whole raw milk cheeses   grass-fed beef, pastured chicken, turkey and
                                             made right on our organic farm. No grain is   free-range  eggs.  Raw  honey,  maple  syrup,
                                             fed to our cows. Butter, cream, yogurt, sour   and  extra  virgin  organic  coconut  oil  also
                                             cream.  CARE  members  only.  We  will  ship   available. Will  Ship.  Grazin  Acres  LLC  (608)
                                             cheese. Hilltop Meadows Farm, Pine Grove,   727-2632 located 1 hr NW of Madison.      9/3
                                             (570) 345-3305.                  9/2

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