Page 40 - Summer2008
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lower homocysteine levels, highly toxic people sometimes become deathly Tragically, the study of toxic metals is
ill from them, most probably because the absorption of B vitamins triggers largely overlooked in the training of both doc-
this metabolic homocysteine pathway and results in a massive release of tors and nutritionists, even though knowledge of
associated metal toxins into the bloodstream. their adverse effects could provide the answers
to many puzzling clinical case studies.
BIG FAT PROBLEM So where do we start with this seemingly
To metabolize fat we need lipoic acid, which is yet another critical insurmountable problem of toxic metal overload?
vita-nutrient that is poisoned by toxic metals. Failure to properly digest First and foremost, we must avoid exposure, at
fat is an increasingly common problem and one of the key reasons some least to the best of our abilities. Since total avoid-
people decide that a traditional high-fat diet is “not for them.” Although ance is well nigh impossible, we need to also
loss of the ability to digest fat may follow from years on a low-fat diet, this actively detoxify or else the build up of toxins
isn’t a simple question of “use it or lose it.” People who stuff themselves in our bodies will continue. The two main areas
with bad fats or seek to avoid all fats are more likely to accumulate toxic to clean up are diet and environment. Over diet,
metals, which, in turn, will affect their ability to properly digest, assimi- at least, we have considerable control.
late and utilize fats. Loss of lipoic acid to metal toxicity interferes with
energy production, toxin cleanup operations, blood sugar regulation and A PROTECTIVE DIET
maintenance of a healthy weight. A Weston A. Price Foundation diet is pro-
tective against toxic metals for two reasons: it
PRO OXIDANTS AND ANTIOXIDANTS minimizes exposure, and it contains the nutrients
Mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead and other toxic metals promote the needed to aid with detoxi cation.
formation of hydrogen peroxides, lipid peroxides and hydroxyl radicals First of all, we need good quality animal
and interfere with critical antioxidant processes. The body is thus depleted protein from meat, poultry, sh and egg yolks.
of critical protective agents. These contain plenty of L-cysteine and L-cys-
Glutathione is one of the body’s primary intracellular antioxidants. tine, the sulfur-containing amino acids necessary
When toxic metals such as mercury or cadmium bind with glutathione, for detoxi cation, immune support and anti-
both the toxic metals and the glutathione may be excreted from the body oxidant protection. Good quality protein is also
in the bile. While it’s good that the toxic metals leave the body, the process high in zinc, which not only protects us from the
depletes cells of glutathione. This is akin to throwing the baby out with toxic metal cadmium but also is critical to many
the bathwater! 32-34 metabolic pathways. Buffalo meat is especially
Making matters even worse, mercury inhibits the activities of gluta- high in cysteine and cystine.
thione reductase and glutathione synthease, the two key enzymes critical We also need plenty of taurine, which is
to glutathione metabolism, and interferes with the function of superoxide found in signi cant amounts only in animal
dismutase, another enzyme needed by the body for antioxidation. 34-37 foods. While it’s true that our bodies can pro-
duce taurine from cysteine and methionine me-
ANTIBIOTICS AND TOXIC METALS tabolism, that presumes we get enough cysteine,
Recently, another toxic metal issue has emerged: Candida albicans methionine and B vitamins to begin with, and
and other resistant pathogenic organisms that accumulate because of anti- that we are healthy enough to produce it. Taurine
biotic use. These microorganisms are capable of diverting methyl groups serves as an important water-soluble antioxidant
(CH3-)—needed for immune and other bodily functions—for their own and is also needed to excrete toxic metals via the
diabolical purposes. This not only means that toxic homocysteine doesn’t bile.
get converted to nutritious and safe methionine, but also that elemental or Animal proteins are also our best sources
ionic mercury is converted into the far more toxic, methylated mercury. of pantothenic acid (B ), a key nutrient in many
Methylated mercury has far greater afnity for fatty tissues, and is far detoxi cation protocols. Liver is especially high
more difcult to remove from the body. 38-40 in pantothenic acid and other critical B vita-
Researchers at the Heart Disease Foundation in New York found mins.
that antibiotics used to treat infection were not effective in the presence Don’t be afraid of red meat. People who
of heavy metals such as mercury and lead. These metals coexisted with purposely avoid red meat tend to eat more sh.
infections such as Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes simplex, as well Although sh contains healthy fat-soluble ac-
as with cytomegalovirus and other microorganisms, including viruses tivators and EPA and DHA fatty acids, people
associated with cancer. 41 who consume more than two sh meals per
38 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2008