Page 43 - Summer2008
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up in the hair after release from one storage site,  and organs and attaches itself to the chelating agent, which is then expelled
          decline on a subsequent test but later rise again  through the urine or feces. As discussed below, this causes a toxic rush
          as it is released from yet another site. For these  into the bloodstream that can result in painful and dif cult detoxi cation
          reasons, hair mineral analysis testing needs to  symptoms with a possible worsening of overall health—and sometimes
          be performed as an ongoing process.       even death.
               Nickel is a growing problem because of     A better urine test to identify metal and environmental toxicity is
          partially hydrogenated fats in the “Standard  a porphyrins pro le such as the one offered by Metametrix Laboratory.
          American Diet,” the popularity of nickel-con-  The porphyrin metabolic pathway is responsible for the formation of he-
          taining jewelry and the widespread usage of  moglobin and other energy-producing compounds, as well as molecules

          stainless steel in the processing of foods, bever-  essential for detoxication. Toxic metals and chemicals present in the
          ages and pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately, nickel  body interrupt this pathway, producing speci c porphyrins, which be-
          rarely shows up in hair even when present at  come elevated in the urine. This test can differentiate speci c toxic metal
          toxic levels elsewhere in the body. For nickel,  exposure and potential biochemical damage caused by that exposure. The
          it is better to analyze sweat, which is one way  test can help clinicians evaluate the effects of mercury amalgam  llings,
          the body attempts to get rid of this carcino-  the wanted and unwanted effects of chelation therapy and the toxicity of
          genic metal. (The other way is excretion via the  certain pharmaceutical drugs. 54,55
          bowels.) Nickel also causes hyperviscous and     For newborns, meconium analysis can detect fetal exposure to lead,

          hypocoagulable blood so a clotting prole of  mercury, cadmium and other toxic metals, DDT and pesticide exposure as
          the blood analyzed by a Sonoclot  or similar  well as alcohol, tobacco use and illicit drug use. Meconium is the greenish
          diagnostic is another useful test. Nickel toxicity  mix of bile, amniotic  uid, bile pigments, epithelial cells, mucus, blood and
          should be suspected if there are symptoms such  other substances found in the  rst stool of a newborn. Meconium testing is
          as tiny blisters or reddish rashes where nickel  offered at many hospitals but commonly used only when cocaine or other
          touches the skin (as with eyeglasses or jewelry)  maternal illegal drug use is suspected. 56,57
          or at sites of sweating (such as the palms of the
          hand, hairline, or feet). In addition to “sensitizing  A DIRT CHEAP SOLUTION
          dermatitis,” stubborn symptoms that might be the     Until we can clean up the planet and our act, we fortunately do have
          result of nickel toxicity include allergic asthma,  a “dirt cheap,” stop-gap way of coping with metal toxicity. That solution is
          acid reux, insomnia and snoring.         diatomaceous earth. Dr. Knight has extensively tested a product produced

               Another shortcoming with hair tests is that  by Perma-Guard that is also available through WisdomWays in Edgewood,
          gold, silver, uranium and other metals usually  Colorado.  Diatomaceous earth comes from fossilized shells of freshwater
          are not included as part of most laboratories’  diatoms and is found in vast deposits all over the earth. Made up of silicone
          standard hair tests. Luckily, the same detoxi -  and trace minerals, diatomaceous earth can, according to the scientic

          cation programs that round up and remove the  literature, absorb methyl mercury, E. coli, endotoxins, viruses (including
          usual toxic metal suspects will usually help to  poliovirus), organophosphate pesticide residues, drug residue, and protein,
          eliminate or deal with these others as well.  perhaps even the proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infec-
               The biggest problem with hair tests is  tions. 59,60
          not the test itself but the fact that far too many     The only caveat is that diatomaceous earth used for human or ani-
          people—including  doctors  and  other  health  mal detoxi cation must be food grade. People and other mammals should
          practitioners—misread the initial hair tests and  never use the coarse, crystalline form of diatomaceous earth sold for use in
          take the low levels in the initial readings at face  swimming pool  lters or as insecticides, or sources of diatomaceous earth
          value.                                    contaminated with toxins like arsenic and the metal toxins. If inhaled, the
               Conventional doctors prefer blood tests to  crystalline form can cause a disabling lung disease called silicosis and
          determine metal toxicity. Such tests have little  upon ingestion might puncture the lining of the alimentary tract. Food-
          diagnostic value unless they follow recent acute  grade diatomaceous earth binds metals and other toxins, gently siphoning
          exposure because the body keeps the blood clean  or leaching them out of storage areas and passing them innocuously out
          at all costs.  Urine samples aren’t much better  of the body.
          unless potentially dangerous systemic, oral or     Microscopic live cell analyses of blood taken from individuals who
          intravenous chelating agents are given, followed  have detoxed using food-grade diatomaceous earth for many months
          by a 24-hour collection. In such tests, mercury  display little evidence that the particles make their way intact into the
          or another metal is “provoked” out of the tissues  blood. Hair analyses of these individuals display normal or even slightly

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