Page 46 - Summer2008
P. 46
A COMPLETE NUTRITIONAL THERAPY PROGRAM If candidates were required by law to be free of
To be truly effective, a detoxication program using diatomaceous mercury, cadmium, lead and other metal toxici-
earth must be part of a complete nutritional therapy program that in- ties that affect their mental capacities, we could
cludes: have more condence in their leadership and
appropriate use of power. Sanity regarding envi-
Removal of toxin sources from food, air, water and the environment ronmental and dietary exposure to toxic metals
as much as possible; would, could and should become an inalienable
A program to remove candida infections and other parasites; right.
Enhancement of cellular energy production through optimum diet and At the very least, it would be great to have
supplements; an election where candidates avow to to get the
Nourishment of the immune system; “dirt into” themselves and not dish “dirt on” their
Support of eliminative organs, including skin, liver, kidneys, and opponents!
SOME CAUTIONS Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN, is a nutritionist
Appropriate treatment regimens vary signicantly from person to in private practice based in Albuquerque, New
person, depending upon multiple dietary and lifestyle factors, specic Mexico. She has worked extensively with clients
medical conditions and the circumstances of exposure. One-size-ts-all from all over the country on heavy metal de-
regimens found in popular books and on internet sites may or may not toxi cation, which she has found to be a major
work. Worse, they may pose dangers. It’s far beyond the scope of this contributor to most health challenges. She is the
article to discuss the pros and cons of the myriad supplements and herbs author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side
singly and in combination that have been proposed as metal detoxiers, of America’s Favorite Health Food. She can be
but here are two examples of potential hazardous “natural remedies” that reached at and
need attention. at 505-266-3252.
First, megadoses of vitamin C can be counterproductive, though ap-
propriate amounts of a natural vitamin C replete with its complementary Galen D. Knight, PhD, is a biochemist who has
bioavonoid components are very much needed for effective detoxica- carried out pioneering research on the role of
tion. vitalethine in humoral immunity and cancer
Secondly, an unexpectedly dangerous compound to avoid is N-acetyl- development. To learn more about his work,
cysteine (NAC), a high-priced product heavily recommended by alternative visit his website,
medical doctors and other health practitioners. NAC is a form of cysteine E- mail him at galenvtp@high or call
often recommended as a more powerful form of the much-needed amino 505-884-8644 .
acid L-cysteine or in lieu of glutathione, an antioxidant that is rarely effec-
tive in supplement form. Although dozens of journal articles support its On February 19, 2008, Dr. Daniel and Dr Knight
short-term use as immunity booster and detoxier, evidence is mounting joined Sally Fallon, Mary Enig PhD, and Kilmer
of potential long-term harm. The NAC form of cysteine conceivably can McCully MD, in submitting a 65-page petition to
poison vitalethine, a vital component needed to activate humoral immu- the FDA in which we presented massive evidence
nity. 67-69 as to why this “consumer protection agency”
In brief, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of individual- should retract its soy-prevents heart disease
ized treatment regimens based on laboratory assessment. While a Weston health claim.
A. Price style diet plus diatomaceous earth is a safe and effective mainte-
nance regimen for healthy people, those with major health problems or even Both authors will speak at Wise Traditions 2008
minor challenges are best served by a custom tailored and comprehensive in San Francisco.
In conclusion, we propose to treat the cause and not just the symptoms
of heavy metal toxicity. To wit, this election year, we vote for detoxica-
tion with diatomaceous earth for politicians as well as all those in elective
and appointed ofces, including judges, police ofcers and FDA ofcials.
44 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2008