Page 44 - Summer2008
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low amounts of silica. This evidence, combined with a very low trace and “molecular sieves” that supposedly can selec-
toxic mineral content (usually in parts per million), supports the concept tively sort molecules on the basis of size. More
that diatomaceous earth works by removing toxins that poison the immune than 150 naturally occurring types exist, most
and regulatory functions, rather than by adding trace minerals that support of which are not pure and are contaminated to
these processes. varying degrees by other minerals, metals and
To detoxify with diatomaceous earth, dissolve less than one teaspoon quartz, as well as the aluminum.
to one tablespoon for every 100 pounds of body weight in a glass of pure Many of these detox products are adver-
water and drink before bed over a period of months or years. Taken this tised as having the ability to get inside bodily
way, its metal-binding capacity is unlikely to hinder the absorption of cells. While patented “nanotechnology” or
needed minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, which we take in whatever to accomplish this might sound like a
from our food at mealtimes or from supplements during the day. “plus value,” we must ask about untold and as
Moderation and patience is advised, as taking more than one table- yet unknown effects upon mineral and energy
spoon can create some very uncomfortable side effects. An overeager metabolism, such as pulling toxins into the
dentist, for example, took an estimated 12 tablespoons overnight in a cells and body rather than out of them. These
foolish attempt to quickly rid his body of years of accumulated mercury. concerns may eventually prove unfounded, but
He may have let go of some quicksilver all right, but he also developed a for now we are sticking with the proven safety
bad case of bowel inammation that mimicked constipation so completely of diatomaceous earth.
that he feared his gut was turning into concrete! The only thing better might be diatoma-
Even at low levels of under one teaspoon per day, detoxication may ceous earth combined with inositol as in the
trigger the discomfort known as a “healing crisis.” This discomfort may be product ToxiClenz from WisdomWays. Yes,
nothing more than inammation caused by a reawakening immune system inositol is the core of phytate, an antinutrient
as it detoxies and begins to attack previously unaddressed chronic infec- found in grains, beans and soy, among other plant
tions and/or stores of toxic metals. Increasing the amount slowly from less foods. And, yes, the Weston A. Price Foundation
than one teaspoon to a rounded tablespoon over a few days or weeks may has been very active in warning people about the
help to avoid this situation. One does want to remove the toxins as fast need to properly soak and prepare these foods in
as the body wants to release them, however, and as much as two percent order to inactivate phytate so it will not interfere
dry weight in the diet or about a tablespoon per 100 pounds is appropri- with absorption of calcium, zinc and other min-
ate if the body weight is not outrageous. Even so, individuals suffering erals. After all, people in third world countries
from perforations of the alimentary tract (such as bleeding ulcers, colitis, (who eat plant-based diets out of necessity) as
leaky gut syndrome and advanced lupus) always should exercise caution well as people in developed countries (who fa-
and use diatomaceous earth only under the care of a doctor or other health vor them for alleged health bene ts or because
practitioner. of vegetarianism beliefs), often develop serious
Many health practitioners report good results with other dirts such phytate-induced mineral de ciencies. On the
as bentonite clay and zeolites, as well as assorted mineral toddies, col- plus side, phytate-containing products such as
loidal mineral products, “magnetic” clays and other allegedly miraculous unleavened breads or coarse porridges have been
down-and-dirty cure-alls. Typically, these are advertised as offering many used in many cultures to detoxify, though usually
benets without adverse effects. Many may work as advertised. However, only on a once per year basis. 65
anecdotal evidence and our own personal experience indicate that some Given our toxic world and the toxic loads
cause diarrhea and other alimentary tract disturbances. We haven’t come of those in health crisis, we may need to use this
close to testing all of them, but hair mineral analysis tests on people who type of product more often, since the hexaphos-
have regularly taken some of these products have indicated major imbal- phate ringed inositol can bind up and help to
ances of macro and trace minerals and unexpectedly high levels of some neutralize the metal toxins, perhaps even helping
toxic metals, especially aluminum. Although presence of the latter might to transport them to the diatomaceous earth for
indicate that removal is underway, the other out-of-whack ratios point to a elimination. To minimize damage and maximize
body out of homeostasis and struggling with the detoxication process. benet, take care to include optimum levels of
Purity may also be an issue. There are more than 200 types of minerals through a nourishing traditional diet
bentonite clay, most of which have an aluminum content of anywhere combined with a program of laboratory testing
from 15 to 75 percent, and some products in the marketplace have been to determine and monitor appropriate nutritional
manufactured with harmful, commercial emulsiers. Zeolites are hydrated mineral supplementation.
aluminosilicate minerals from a family of microporous solids known as
42 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2008