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sardines and mackerel. Some sources of folate are meat, sh, poultry, milk,  LABORATORY ASSESSMENT

         liver, beans, sunower seeds and many vegetables.                    Hair mineral analysis offers a valid and
              For many it is helpful to avoid casein, especially as found in fraction-  inexpensive way to test someone’s toxic metal
         ated food products such as shake powders. Although some people react  status, as well as provide insights into nutritional
         even to the casein that is a natural component of whole raw milk, butter  status. The growing hair follicle is well supplied
         and cheese, the worst problems seem to come from manufacturing pro-  by the blood vessels, and blood transports both
         cesses involved in fat removal and pasteurization. The ingredient casein  essential and toxic elements present in the body.
         is a fractionated milk protein product with elevated methionine levels and  These elements are incorporated and stored in
         extremely low levels of the amino acid cysteine. This stimulates the body  the hair proteins, which are evaluated in the test.
         to make cysteine through the toxic intermediary homocysteine, worsening  Hair tests can evaluate someone’s toxic metal and
         any effects of metal toxicity.                                  nutritional status over the past three months. 47 ,48
               To avoid toxic metal buildup, we must avoid processed foods. Pro-  Analytical Research Laboratory (ARL) in Phoe-
         cessed foods contain many unwanted metals. Sodium aluminum phosphate,  nix and Biochemical Laboratories in Edgewood,
         for example, is used as an emulsier in processed cheese and potassium  New Mexico are labs with good experience in

         alum is used to bleach our. Alum is also a “spice” in commercial pickles.  hair testing, although there are many other good
         Cadmium is used as plating material in food processing plants. Processed  labs around the country.

         foods and drinks also contain chloride, uoride, aluminum and other      The  downside  to  hair  analysis  is  that
         harmful compounds from municipal water supplies, not to mention the  laboratory reports can be dif cult to read and
         remains of excreted pharmaceutical drugs. Processed foods also remove  evaluate correctly, and there is some controversy

         protective zinc and calcium in the rening process, making people more  about how to do the assays and what constitutes
         vulnerable to the toxic effects of cadmium, which is not removed during  normal ranges of toxins and nutrients. In most

         the milling process.                                            cases, the rst test will show low levels of toxic
              To make matters worse, many processed food products are pack-  metals. Aluminum typically shows up in the
         aged in aluminum foil. Take-out items can “take out” our health because   rst test, sometimes with low levels of mercury
         of aluminum containers. Beer and soft drink cans come from aluminum.  and arsenic. However, to correctly interpret the
         Solders used to seal some cans are a common source of cadmium.   test, it is necessary to look at the overall levels
              Fruits, vegetables, beans and grains should be organic. Rice and  and ratios of macro and trace minerals. In all
         wheat grown in soil contaminated by sewage sludge or super phosphate  probability, there will be evidence of “hidden”
         fertilizers may be toxic in cadmium.                            toxicity. This means that the body in its wisdom
              Commercial seeds are treated with mercurial fungicides. Antioxi-  has stashed mercury and other very dangerous
         dants from fresh, locally produced foods, that have not been sitting around  metals as deeply out of the way as possible. 49

         oxidizing for weeks or months, can help to minimize the oxidation and     If a client follows the rst hair test with an
         solubility of the toxic metals.                                 effective detoxication program, follow-up hair

               Chlorella is widely sold as a “green drink” or supplement to health-  tests will typically reveal not only higher levels
         conscious individuals trying to detoxify mercury and other metals. The  of the metals present in the initial analysis but
         chemistry may support the claims. These are known as porphyrin-like  also the emergence of other, more deeply buried
         products because once the healthy magnesium of the chlorophyll is as-  ones, such as cadmium and lead.
         similated, a porphyrin-like ring is left to bind and help neutralize and     Cadmium and lead rarely show up on the
         eliminate metal toxins. Blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, and barley   rst hair mineral test because the body binds
         greens are similarly sold as “superfoods.” On the downside, these greens  them very tightly and keeps them deeply stored in
         may contain analogues of B  that worsen cases of B  de ciency, putting  the liver, joints and bones. For example, ionized
         people at risk for accumulating higher homocysteine levels. So if you use  elements that are nearly the same size as calcium
         these products, be sure to eat organic liver as well.           (e.g., some radioactive elements) and magnesium
              Finally, it is important to drink clean water. Tap water typically  (e.g., nickel) often are found in the bone where

         contains aluminum, uoride, chlorine—not to mention pharmaceutical  they  can  poison  and  damage  the  stem-cell-
         drug residue and other contaminants. In some parts of the country well  producing bone marrow. Often clients require
         water is contaminated with lead or other metals, and nitrates and other  months on a detoxi cation program before they
         chemicals from fertilizers.                                     begin excreting cadmium and lead. Lead may
                                                                         take as long as a year or more to show up. Mak-
                                                                         ing matters more complicated, lead might show
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