Page 54 - Summer2008
P. 54

Farm and Ranch

                                       AGRIBUSINESS AND THE FALL OF ROME:
                                     ANCIENT WISDOM FOR MODERN NATIONS
                                                     By John Moody

                                   The horses’ feet clop upon the stone road as   waiting dejectedly in the government-provided
                              the carriage rocks along, the sound of conversa-  breadlines, or picking ghts with Roman sol-

                              tion echoing from its connes out into the quiet   diers in the streets. The once productive and

                              countryside. It is 140 BC. The Roman nation   self-sufcient farmers or workers in small local

                              is nearing the apex of its afuence and power.   communities are now displaced and draining

                              Death,  discouragement  and  defeat  during  a   the resources and vitality out of the cities and
                              brutal series of wars are now a distant memory.   country.
                              Conquest has brought wealth, luxury and ease to      What they witness concerns and disturbs
                              the once hard-pressed Roman people, especially   them. Small farmers are the backbone of the Ro-
                              the politicians and businessmen, transforming   man nation, without which it stands little chance
                              the nation from an agrarian to a commercial   of survival as a free republic. In peace and war,
                              society.                                   more than any other factor, their love of land and
                                   Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Grac-  country has been the determining factor in the
                              chus, are traveling together through the Roman   nation’s survival. What then is driving them from
                              countryside on their way to the capital, talking   their homes and farms, from their vocations and
                              and taking in the mild Italian spring. They see   communities?
                              many things as they travel along the Via Apia—

                              great Roman edices and aqueducts, passing   ANCIENT AND MODERN NATIONS MEET
                              groups of Roman soldiers patrolling the roads,      The similarities between Rome right before
                              couriers carrying messages to and from distant   its fall into dictatorship and modern America are
                              cities, and rolling expanses of Italian land, fertile   striking and disturbing—debt, political gridlock,
                              and inviting… yet seemingly empty of Romans.   breakdown of the family, inability to deal with
                              Derelict homes dot the landscape, punctuated by   external and internal problems—to mention just
                              the occasional massive mansion surrounded by   a few. For us, the particular issue at hand is how
                              far less lavish, barracks-style buildings, housing   the rise of ancient agribusiness, known as latifun-
                              for the slave gangs captured in wars with Spain,   dia, from latus, “spacious,” and fundus, “farm or
                              Africa and other nations. The slaves mill about   estate,” and the loss of the yeoman (that is, small)
                              the estates, planting and picking, but few Roman   farmer contributed to the nation’s decline into
            Author John       citizens are to be found. At most, Tiberius and   internal disarray and eventual dictatorship.
                                                                              For centuries, the yeoman farmers served
            Moody and         Gaius glimpse an occasional Roman supervisor,     as the backbone of the Roman economy, morality
                              a servant of some senator or patrician who has
                  his wife    taken up residence and ownership of the vast   and military. They sustained the nation’s people
              Jessica are     Roman countryside. A dark quiet falls upon their   with food through hard work and wise husband-
                   WAPF       chariot ride towards Rome.                 ry, steadied the populace with their virtue and
                                                                         morals, and supplied the army with distinguished
                                   When Tiberius and Gaius reach the capital,

                  chapter     they nd the missing Romans. Hundreds upon   and dedicated soldiers who kept the nation secure

               leaders in     hundreds of Romans—landless, purposeless and   from internal and external threats.
                                                                              Following the wars with Carthage and the
               Louisville,    unemployed. As they make their way through the     subsequent wealth it brought to certain Romans,
                              city, the brothers see their fellow citizens hanging
               Kentucky.      around taverns and bars, drinking and gambling,   more and more of Rome’s land was turned into
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