Page 58 - Summer2008
P. 58

Homeopathy Journal

                                          REMEDIES FOR MERCURY TOXICITY
                                     By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)

                              METAL MAGIC                                with the term holistic, this method is a specic

                                   We formed a circle on the kindergarten  medical discipline that was widely used in the
                              floor awaiting our teacher’s attention. Miss  US until half a century ago. It never lost favor
                              Miller’s “show and tells” were the best. She  in lieu of drugs in England, India, France and
                              explained that we were to learn about a special  Germany, where over 40 percent of the doctors
                              liquid metal called mercury. The small silver  are homeopaths. It is indeed a medical discipline
                              balls were passed around for us to play with on  in a unique category.

                              the linoleum oor. At ve years old everything      Homeopathy uses minute amounts of plant,
                              is magical.                                animal and mineral compounds which, when
                                   The innocence of the 1950s still plagues  properly administered, stimulate the patient’s
                              us. Today, scientists warn us about the dangers  ability to reach to its most economic function.
                              of mercury, and if a teacher today were to allow  Homeopathy is predicated on the principle that
                              us to play with mercury, she would be subject to  our bodies have the ability to resolve health is-
                              the wrath of parents and school board and cited  sues when given the correct stimulus.
                              by the DEC. Hardly magical any more.           Once homeopathy has been employed and
                                   What  about  those  of  us  who  had  been  the suffering diminished, laboratory testing to
                              exposed to mercury half a century ago? And  determine the amount of mercury remaining
                              those who have suffered its dire consequences  will con rm the changes. This process often
                              on a day-to-day basis via dental amalgams?  takes months but the reward for waiting is worth-
                              Consider a medical method that has a world wide  while.
                    Once      reputation with a proven record: homeopathy.
           homeopathy         Homeopathy has provided a way of dealing with  TREATMENT OPTIONS
                              mercury poisoning and the likes for the last 200
                                                                             Each person with mercury poisoning will
                has been      years.                                     present in her own way. One, for example, will
               employed            Homeopathy  is  an  intelligent  form  of  have ataxia (a type of paralysis), another may
                 and the      medicine that treats the person as an individual.  have excessive perspiration, a swollen tongue and
                              Unlike modern medicine that treats symptoms,  profuse saliva, while another may have memory
                 suffering    homeopathy focuses on the individual and how  loss and foggy thinking. Choosing the correct
            diminished,       he is physically and mentally experiencing the  remedy is best left to a homeopath with solid

              laboratory      illness. From the homeopathic point of view, ill-  credentials and experience. However for the sake
                              ness is expressed through the body’s innate intel-
                                                                         of interest, let us examine the possibilities.
                testing to    ligence via symptoms. Homeopaths don’t want to      The most common remedy for addressing
              determine       erase symptoms. Instead the goal is to use these  poisoning, even at low levels, is Natrum muriati-
            the amount        symptoms to determine which homeopathic rem-  cum 6x (Nat mur). The picture that Nat mur 6x
                              edy best suits the individual. The homeopathic  covers is one of oversensitivity. For those who
             of mercury       physician rst carefully notes the symptoms and  suffer around perfumes, cigarette smoke and

         remaining will       then looks for a match to a homeopathic remedy  chemicals, particularly if mercury is associated
            confirm the       that has been shown to eliminate the sufferings.  with their illness, Nat mur should be strongly
                                                                         considered. It may take time and patience be-
                              This will uproot the illness.
                changes.           Although  many  confuse  homeopathy  fore improvement occurs, but Nat mur 6x can
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