Page 63 - Summer2008
P. 63

All Thumbs Book Reviews

          Minerals for the Genetic Code:            the weight of the soil before and after it grew.
          An Exposition & Analysis of the Dr. Olree      The English scientist and preacher Stephen
          Standard Genetic Periodic Chart & the     Hale tried to test whether plants consumed air
          Physical, Chemical & Biological Connection.  by clamping a glass container over a number
          By Charles Walters                        of peppermint plants and measuring the change
          Acres, USA, 2006                          in atmospheric pressure, but the plants simply
                                                    died. Later research demonstrated that animals
              Dr. Richard Olree, a chiropractor who calls  and plants changed the air in opposite ways,
          himself a “theoretical geneticist,” has put forth a  each allowing for the survival of the other, and
          new theory about the nature of the genetic code  that plants only changed the air in the presence

          that, if correct, would revolutionize the eld of  of light. Through many well-designed and well-
          genetics. The theory stipulates that each of the  controlled experiments, we now know that plants
          64 codons, the basic units of the genetic code,  produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water,
          requires its own unique mineral—thus greatly  releasing oxygen, and that animals conversely
          expanding the list of essential nutrients.   break down glucose with oxygen, releasing car-
              Charles Walters, founder of the eco-agricul-  bon dioxide and water. Walters narrates in like
          ture publication AcresUSA, has transmitted this  manner the discoveries of the periodic table of
          theory to book form in the 2006 title, Minerals  the elements and the genetic code.
          for the Genetic Code. While the book contains an     When, after more than 80 pages, Walters
          interesting introduction to the history of biologi-  nally begins describing Olree’s theory, he leaves

          cal science, an excellent interview with cancer  the reader in nitely less impressed. Rather than
          researcher and genetic engineering critic John  describing solid experimental research as in the
          Fagan, and a useful 100-page appendix listing  previous section, Walters describes a “eureka”   Walters
          important food sources of various trace minerals,  moment back in 1981 when Olree realized he
          Walters devotes less than one hundred pages to  could tie the genetic code in to a chart he had   devotes less
          his description of Olree’s theory and is remark-  already made drawing relationships between   than one
          ably silent about the experimental basis for this  color therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and a   hundred
          theory—assuming one exists at all.        Chinese sacred text called the I Ching. Walters
                                                    likens this sudden insight to Archimedes’ dis-  pages to his
          LACK OF EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE             covery that he could determine the density of the   description of
              The book begins with a foreword on the  king’s crown, and thus whether it was made of   Olree’s theory

          dangers of uoride and its rst several chapters  pure gold, by measuring the water it displaced in

          deliver scathing critiques of the modern medical  a bathtub, and to Friedrich Kekulé’s realization   and is
          system and commercial soil chemistry. Walters  that benzene could be structured as a hexagon   remarkably
          then narrates the fascinating stories of the discov-  while staring at the shapes made by the smoke   silent about
          eries and experimental demonstrations of some of  rising from his  replace.
          the most basic chemical and biological concepts     The basis of the theory is the repetition of the   the
          that we take for granted today.           number 64 in various natural and philosophical   experimental
              For example, the Flemish physician Jan  systems. The vertebral column develops from   basis for this

          Baptista van Helmont rst demonstrated in the  32  embryonic  structures  called  somites  that
          seventeenth century that trees synthesize most of  eventually become vertebrae and 32 spaces that   theory—
          their tissue from water or air rather than from soil  eventually become intervertebral discs, together   assuming one
          by planting a tree in an isolated tub and measuring  making 64 points along the spine. The ancient   exists at all.

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