Page 62 - Summer2008
P. 62

The presence        be ingesting greater amounts of these petroleum   and changes in behavior.  TBHQ, in particular,
               of hexane      derivatives than previously thought.       makes test animals susceptible to stomach tumors
                                   And it means that animals are ingesting

                                                                         and causes damage to DNA.
          and powerful        higher levels also. Hexane levels in solvent-pro-     An internet search reveals reports of be-
            antioxidants      cessed vegetable oil residue used for animal feed   havior changes in children, including decreased
            provides yet      can run as high as 0.5 percent, enough to create   concentration and learning ability and “scream-

                                                                         ing ts, teary, really temperamental, like world
                              a known mild toxicity that precludes the use of
          more reasons        solvent-extracted meal in a number of markets,   war three, and waking at night,” on exposure to
                 to avoid     such as pig feeding. (It kills baby pigs, whose di-  unlabeled BHA and TBHQ.  These additives
          vegetable oils      gestive tracts are similar to those of humans.) 10  are also found in commercial lard and beef tal-
                                   Those consuming solvent-extracted com-
                                                                         low, so purchase these from a farmer you know

          and products        mercial vegetable oils every day—and that in-  and trust! The presence of hexane and powerful
              made with       cludes all fried food like French fries and Chicken   antioxidants provides yet more reasons to avoid
                    them.     McNuggets, commercial salad dressings, and   vegetable oils and products made with them.
                              cooking oils—are subjecting themselves to long-
                              term chronic exposure, the effects of which are
                              anybody’s guess.                           REFERENCES
                              ANTIOXIDANTS                               2.
                                   Because processing of fragile vegetable   3.
                              oils creates free radicals and other highly reac-  4.
                              tive breakdown chemicals, these products require   5.  Ibid.
                              the addition of potent antioxidants like BHT,   6.   Ibid.
                              BHA and—the latest entry—TBHQ. A list of   7.
                              adverse effects from these substances includes   9.
                              cancer in various sites, liver toxicity, kidney and   10.
                              bladder toxicity, depression of thyroid function,   12.
         (Low Blood Pressure, continued from page 58)  in the production of these hormones and are abundant in the nourishing
         with low blood pressure, but low cortisol (an  traditional diet. Vitamin A is available from cod liver oil; vitamin B  from
         adrenal hormone) is connected with allergies and  raw animal foods; and vitamin C is plentiful in lacto-fermented foods such
         fatigue; low sex hormone production (produced  as sauerkraut.
         in part by the adrenal glands) is also related to     These patients also need to have a high mineral diet, especially in
         adrenal hormone output and low libido. In other  the form of daily soup broth and liberal amounts of Celtic or Himalayan
         words, the lowered vitality that one often sees  salt. Sometimes if warmth is the main issue, extra fats and oils are needed,
         related to low pressure is a direct symptom of low  in particular one teaspoon of high-vitamin butter oil in addition to one
         adrenal and kidney hormone production. This is  teaspoon of cod liver oil.

         the issue that needs to be addressed, not speci-     It is imperative that the patient completely remove all trans fats from
         cally a strategy to raise the blood pressure.  the diet. These interfere with adrenal hormone production and may also
              The way I address this specic variation on  inhibit the function of the baroreceptors

         low adrenal function is to suggest a nourishing     The adaptogenic herb I have found most useful in this situation is one
         traditional diet along with adaptogenic herbs and  of the forms of ginseng, such as Eleutherococcus or Korean ginseng. I like
         supplements. The diet should contain an abun-  to use the high potency forms from Mediherb like eletherococcus tablets at
         dance of healthy fats, organ meats, raw animal  a dose of one tablet, 2-4 times per day, or Rhodiola/ginseng (Rhodiola is
         foods and lacto-fermented foods. These provide  another strong adaptogenic herb) at the same dose. I also add the standard
         the vitamins, minerals and enzymes, that is the  process protomorphogen of the adrenal gland called Drenatrophin at a dose
         raw materials, that the body can use for hor-  of one tablet, three times per day.

         mone production. Specically, the adrenal gland     With these simple interventions these symptoms can be lessened, the
         uses good fats including cholesterol to produce  blood pressure raised to normal and the patients often feel much better.
         hormones. Vitamins A, B  and C are cofactors
         60                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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