Page 64 - Summer2008
P. 64

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              Chinese text, the I Ching, is a compilation of  be used to make the new protein; for example,
                              hexagrams with six positions that can be lled  AUG codes for methionine. There are 64 possible

                              with either solid or broken lines, making 64  codons in the “languages” of DNA and RNA. The
                              possible hexagrams, each of which is associated  book drew an analogy between these 64 codons
                              with a certain psychological trait. Olree noticed  and the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. Olree had
                              in his private practice that misalignments of  already determined that each I Ching hexagram
                              certain vertebrae were associated with particular  corresponded to a particular position in the verte-
                              psychological changes and began mapping out  bral column and to a particular mineral; once he
                              the associations between the 64 points along the  realized the connection between the I Ching and
                              spine and the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching. He  DNA, then, the relationship between the latter
                              used a 1926 version of the periodic table of the  and the 64 minerals of Russell’s periodic table
                              elements made by Walter Russell, an artist and  became self-evident.
                              architect credited with coining the term “New     Olree synthesized all of this information into
                              Age” and with hypothesizing the existence of  the “Olree Biological Periodic Chart.” Each of
                              various subatomic particles now known to exist.  the 64 entries contains the name of the mineral,
                              This table contained far fewer elements than the  its electric charge, the number Russell had as-
                              current table contains, as well as 22 subatomic  signed to it, the I Ching hexagram Olree assigned
                              particles not included on the current table. It was  to it, the RNA codon to which it corresponds, the
                              organized into nine octaves. The ninth octave  amino acid coded for by the RNA sequence, the

                              contained radioactive elements, while the rst  number of times the codon appears in the human
                              eight octaves contained 64 non-radioactive ele-  genome, the point on the vertebral column to
                              ments and subatomic particles. Referring to these  which it corresponds, the hour of the day during
                              collectively as “minerals,” Olree designated each  which a particular acupuncture meridian that
                              vertebral point with its own mineral and its own  Olree also assigned to the mineral regenerates,
                              hexagram of the I Ching.                   and the psychological trait associated with the I
                                  When Olree stumbled upon a book called  Ching hexagram. Examples of the psychological
                              DNA and the I Ching, a new theory of genetics  traits include “before the end,” “after the end,”
                              was born. The book drew an analogy between  “insight,” “conscientiousness,” and “reuniting.”
                              the codons of DNA and the hexagrams of the I     Walters gives no description of precisely
                              Ching. DNA is like an alphabet in which each of  how Olree assigned the minerals to their respec-
                              four nucleotides represents a letter. Nucleotides  tive codons. For example, why does UGU cor-
           When Olree         consist of nitrogen-containing ring structures  respond to arsenic and not to calcium? No answer
               stumbled       called nitrogenous bases that are attached to  is given. Buried deep in the book, however, under

           upon a book        sugars and phosphate groups. The four bases  the entry for the “subatomic mineral” barnordon,
                              making up the nucleotides in DNA are adenine  Walters gives us a disturbing description of how
            called DNA        (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T).  Olree assigned the minerals to the vertebral posi-
                 and the      When the cell makes a protein, it rst makes an  tions in Olree’s own words: “I like the third law of

               I Ching, a     RNA copy of a particular DNA sequence using  physics. For every action [there is] an equal and
                              the same bases, except it replaces thymine (T)  opposite reaction. So I [took] the human spine
             new theory       with uracil (U). The RNA copy is then used to  and the 64 amino acids [codons] and concluded
              of genetics     make the protein. Each of these “letters” makes  that number 1 equals 64, number 2 equals 63,
               was born.      up a three-letter “word” called a codon. Each  and I laid it out on paper. The opposite of number
                              codon codes for a particular amino acid that will  9 is number 54, the yttrium area of the spine.
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