Page 68 - Summer2008
P. 68

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              The Genotype Diet:                         money to join up for coaching and recipes, and
                              Change Your Genetic Destiny to Live the    a cool online genotyping tool.
                              Longest, Fullest and Healthiest Life Possible     The diets themselves seem rather arbitrary
                              by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo                    and there is no explanation of why, for example,
                              Broadway, 2007                             beef and beef liver are benecial to the Hunter

                                                                         type, but this type must never touch beef heart or
                                  Peter D’Adamo, creator of the blood type  caviar. Some of the food recommendations—as
                              diet (Eat Right 4 Your Type), has taken his pro-  well as some of the foods to avoid—were things
                              gram to the the next level and added a series of  that I’ve never heard of and are unlikely to be
                              genetic and developmental characteristics to his  part of the typical American diet. Explorer types

                              dietary regimen. He has categorized his assess-  are supposed to benet highly from camelina
                              ments into six fun and nifty categories which  oil, for example, but quark cheese is toxic for
                              all require slightly different dietary approaches  them. This same genotype is characterized by
                              including the Hunter, the Gatherer, the Explorer,  exhibiting in ammatory conditions, but omega-
                              the Teacher, the Nomad and the Warrior. As with  3 rich  axseed and cod liver oils are verboten.
                              the blood type diet, he claims that these various  In fact, D’Adamo gives somewhat confusing
                              genotypes evolved to handle different life and  advice about EFAs, suggesting that omega-6s

                              environmental conditions, and he gives consid-  are helpful in reducing inammation. Perhaps
                              erable focus to the immune system responses of  the most absurd suggestion is his recommenda-
                              each type to these challenges.             tion to take supplements instead of real food.
                                  The process of determining your genotype  Teacher genotypes should take a paltry 400-800
                              can be done on three levels, depending on how  IU of vitamin D daily, yet all forms of liver are
               The diets      much  information  you  have  available.  The  purportedly toxic to this type.
             themselves       variables are quite interesting and include the     No doubt Dr D’Adamo has been able to help

            seem rather       quality of your ngerprints, the proportions of  people with his methods, or he would not have
                              the upper and lower body, length of ring nger  such a following. But this is more likely to be

           arbitrary and      versus fore nger, and whether or not you can  because of his general food recommendations,

              there is no     taste the chemical propylthiouracil, a drug used  which represent an overall improvement in the
            explanation       to treat hyperthyroidism.                  standard American diet. He does suggest high
                                  The explanations for how these variables  quality foods including grass-fed meats, for ex-

             of why, for      arise and affect our health are a great argument  ample, and advises against farm-raised  sh and
         example, beef        for superior pre-natal nutrition. Body symme-  rancid oils. Not smoking and regular exercise are
                                                                         also part of his program, and as with any multi-

                              try—in the form of ngerprints—is a consider-
         and beef liver       ation in the assessments. This is strongly related  pronged approach, it is hard to tell what might
          are beneficial      to pre-natal stresses, and correlates with overall  be providing the most bene t.
          to the Hunter       health.                                       One the whole, despite some intriguing

                                  However interesting these variables may  information, The Genotype Diet is a disappoint-
          type, but this      be, (they were the reason I bought the book)  ment.    Reviewed by Selina Rifkin
              type must       D’Adamo never offers any clear explanation
            never touch       of how they relate to the genotypes. The book  Selina  Rifkin  is  a  Certified  Holistic  Health
          beef heart or       promises further information on its website, but  Counselor and Licensed Massage Therapist.
                              the material there provides no more than the  She lives in CT with her husband, step-daughter
                   caviar.    book, except for the opportunity to spend some  and two cats.
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