Page 72 - Summer2008
P. 72

Growing Wise Kids

                            EAT YOUR EGGS AND HAVE YOUR CHICKENS, TOO!
                                                By Jen Allbritton, CN

                                  I have long desired to become a homesteader  thin.  Not only are bright yellow yolks loaded
                              and raise my own food. I want to work the land  with  these fat-soluble  antioxidant  nutrients,
                              and enjoy the fruit of my own labor instead of  they are more bioavailable than those found in
                              mooching off everyone else’s hard work as I have  vegetables, corn and most supplements.  While
                              done for so long. But while I revel in my new  these nutrients have a reputation of combating
                              Little House on the Prairie lifestyle, I still want  macular degeneration  and cataracts  and sup-
                              all the suburban luxury. . . at least for the time  porting overall healthy vision, they have a long
                              being. So I did it, I took the rst step. We now  list of other bene ts, including protecting the

                              own ve frisky, funny, feathery chickens that  skin from sun damage and even reducing one’s


                              live in our semi-rural backyard. I tell myself I  risk of colon  and breastcancer. 9

                              did it for the kids, but really I had more selsh     Besides providing all eight essential protein-
                              motivations.                               building amino acids, a large whole, fresh egg
                                  Chickens are hilarious and make excellent  offers about six to seven grams of protein and  ve
                              pets. It took some time, but now we can hold our  grams of fat (with about 1.5 grams of it saturated),
                              girls, and they come trotting over every time  which comes in handy to help in the absorption
                              they see us. Of course, they think we have table  of all the egg’s fat-soluble vitamins. One egg also
                              scraps for them to devour, but I like to think it  serves up around 200 milligrams of brain-loving
                              is because they adore us. So for all you out there  cholesterol and contains the valuable vitamins A,
                              who have an itch to do something homestead-ish  K, E, D, B-complex and minerals iron, phospho-
                              and who have a little land to spare, let me tell  rus, potassium and calcium.  Choline, another

                              you about raising these ne feathered creatures.  egg-nutrient, is a fatty substance found in every
                              They help your gardening efforts, make the most  living cell and is a major component of our brain.
                              of every scrap of food that goes through your  Additionally, choline helps break up cholesterol
                              kitchen and bring you and your children hours  deposits by preventing fat and cholesterol from
                              of enjoyment.                              sticking to the arteries. 10,14  So the bottom line is,
                                  Most important, you should never be egg-  don’t be chicken about eating eggs, especially
                              less again and may even have enough to give to  the cholesterol-rich yolks!
              Compared  your family and friends—or better yet, barter       Compared to the generic supermarket va-
                    to the    for something you need.                    riety, eggs from pastured poultry are a vivid
         generic super-       REASON #1 TO RAISE BACKYARD                yellow-orange—proof of a richer store of health-
                                                                         enhancing carotenes (more specically xantho-

        market variety,  CHICKENS: STELLAR NUTRITION                     phylls, a natural yellow-orange pigment in green
        egg yolks from            Without a doubt, fresh, pastured eggs are  plants and yellow corn). 11,12  The more carotenes,
                pastured      superior in taste and nutrition to conventionally  the darker, deeper orange color the yolk—and
                              raised commercially available varieties. Eggs  the higher the levels of fat-soluble vitamins as
             poultry are  have been a highly valued foods since the begin-  well. Expect to nd the richest orange colors

                   a vivid    ning of time—eggs from chickens, ducks, geese,  in the spring, when grass is fresh and bugs are

        yellow-orange.        turtles and sh. Egg yolks are the richest source  plentiful. Color also fades as the egg ages. Bear
                              of two superstar carotenoids—lutein and zeaxan-
                                                                         in mind, variations will be seen in these differ-
         70                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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