Page 77 - Summer2008
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are typically very knowledgeable about breeds as complementing your eggs, Gates recommends adding alkaline veggies
best suited for particular areas of the country. (especially cultured) as well as sea salt to eggs to help balance out their
acidic nature (as with all animal foods). But if your kids want bacon with
HOW TO COOK YOUR EGGS—OR NOT their eggs (no-nitrate, of course) that is ne too.
The idea of eating raw or soft-cooked eggs is
of concern to some because of the risk of salmo- EGGS COMING OUT OF MY EARS!
nella; however, the risk is virtually non-existent, Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have an egg surplus.
especially with the right eggs. Data suggest Before our feathered friends found their way into our lives, I was always
as few as three eggs per thousand—referring counting my stash from my farmer to make sure I would not run out and
to the commercial variety—are infected with was thoroughly disappointed when I was forced to do with the lesser quality
salmonella. So not only is the risk exceedingly eggs from the store. But now eggs are front and center in my weekly meal
low, but this gure is for those fed GMO corn, plan and my egg-dish repertoire has grown substantially. Here is a quick
soy and other unmentionables and without the list of dishes that use a good number of eggs. Some are pretty simple, but
natural foraging under the sun they were meant it is good to have these ideas on hand for when you have eggs coming out
to thrive on. Dr. Mercola, DO, explains, “Sal- your ears!
monella infections are usually present only in
traditionally raised commercial hens. If you are • Hardboiled with sea salt or seasoned salt (great snack or send off in
purchasing your eggs from healthy chickens, this a sack lunch or use later in a salad).
infection risk reduces dramatically. Remember, • Deviled eggs.
only sick chickens lay salmonella-contaminated • Bernaise sauce—delicious on meat or sh!
eggs.” 17 • Hollandaise sauce to pour over eggs Benedict but also over steamed
Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology or sautéed veggies (especially broccoli and asparagus), and use what
Diet, explains that avoiding the dangers of salmo- is left over as a mayo substitute.
nella and other pathogens boils down to the inner • Egg salad with chopped red pepper, celery and a sprinkle of crispy
ecosystem of the egg-laying chicken and the egg nuts.
consumer—meaning you. An inner intestinal • Scrambles, omelets and frittatas galore with various avors—spinach,
ecosystem brimming with benecial microora feta cheese with olives for a Greek air; diced tomatoes, onions and
combats any harmful pathogens. Same goes for peppers for a Spanish taste; and onions, pepper, ham and cheese for
chickens foraging on pasture and feasting on more of a Western appeal. Really any leftover vegetable or meat will
worms, bugs and microora found in the soil. work.
On the subject of raw eggs, Sally Fallon • Fried egg and cheese sandwiches (toasted bread smeared with mayo
writes “. . . it is ne to consume plenty of raw with a fried egg and perhaps some bacon in the middle).
egg yolks, a custom found in many traditional • Egg drop soup made with a base of homemade chicken broth. (Talk
diets, but consumption of raw egg whites on a about a healing food!)
regular basis can lead to digestive problems. • Custard.
The problem is. . . that raw egg whites contain • Smoothies.
enzyme inhibitors that can interfere with protein • French toast.
digestion. Whole eggs should be cooked—and • Breakfast tacos or huevos rancheros (tostada corn tortilla shell layered
it is ne to cook them any way you like them, with refried beans, chopped lettuce, a fried egg and melted cheese
even scrambled. Beating or whipping eggs does with salsa and sour cream to top).
not damage the proteins or cause the cholesterol • Ice cream.
to oxidize.” Oxidation only occurs when eggs • Egg nog (remember, use just the yolk).
are forced out of tiny holes with high pressure • Egg casseroles, quiches and stratas.
during commercial processing. • Pudding—tapioca, bread, rice, etc.
Donna Gates recommends cooking eggs • Macaroons—a great way to use up all those whites!
“softly” to prevent making the protein difcult
to digest. She also favors eating eggs without I bet you never knew raising your own chickens could have so many
much of the white (two yolks to one whole egg), bene ts or be so much fun! Whether you have kids still running around
since many people are sensitive to the protein the house or not, these creatures will bring a smile to your face as well
portion of the egg compared to the yolk. As far as bestow the gift of a wonderfully nourishing, affordable food for your
SUMMER 2008 Wise Traditions 75