Page 75 - Summer2008
P. 75
Sauté 3 to 5 chopped green onions and a 1/2 teaspoon or so of freshly grated ginger in some butter or ghee on
medium heat in a soup pot. Pour in a quart of homemade chicken broth and turn the temperature to medium high
to bring it to a boil. Beat two eggs and pour them into the boiling broth. Salt and pepper to taste and serve. Make this
recipe your own by adding other ingredients in the sauté stage, such as garlic, greens, mushrooms, etc. You may also
beat in powdered Parmesan cheese with the eggs.
6 eggs
1 cup cottage cheese
Seasonings of your choice
1 cup shredded cheese of your choice
Veggies of your choice, chopped or sliced
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
This versatile recipe never fails in my house. Beat the eggs and add the cottage cheese. Season with any herbs and
spices that match your cheese, meat and vegetables of choice. Spread half of the mixture in an 8 by 8 glass baking dish.
Top with your chosen fillings, then pour on the rest of the egg mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes.
Try these variations: add cumin and oregano to the egg mixture, layer with chunky salsa and shredded Monterey
Jack cheese; add thyme and marjoram to the egg mixture and layer it with sautéed mushrooms, onions and asparagus
and add Gruyère cheese; add garlic (fresh or powdered) in the egg mixture, layer with sautéed onion, shredded zucchini
and chopped Italian sausage along with Jack cheese; add basil to the egg mixture and layer with frozen green beans and
canned or fresh tomato chunks along with a mix of cheddar and feta cheese.
dear friend, editor and a mother of two, “I would of kitchen scraps. Some sort of feed becomes
never raise children without raising some kind particularly useful during the winter months.
of animal alongside them. They teach things I The commercial processed pellets at the feed
could never teach.” stores are far from nourishing and have many
undesirable additives and ingredients. Soy is a
WHERE TO START frequent addition, even in rations provided by
WITH YOUR BACKYARD FLOCK organic farmers, but actually should be avoided.
A vast number of resources out there can What’s wrong with soy, you ask? To summarize,
ready you step by step to bring home your feath- soy contains phytoestrogens or plant hormones
ered friends. You will have plenty of choices for (i.e., iso avones) that have been found to disrupt
the coop, which includes the chicken run and endocrine function, negatively affect immunity,
henhouse, waterers and feeders. You may need contribute to thyroid problems and cause hor-
to insulate and heat your coop if you live in a monal changes in children (see more details and Soy is a new
really cold area. I live in the snowy mountains research references at addition in
of Colorado and a heat lamp works well for us. and in The Whole Soy Story by Kaayla Daniel,
The size of the coop will depend on how PhD, CCN). Research clearly demonstrates that chicken feed,
many girls will suit your family size. The number soy iso avones are transferred into the yolk of as it was
of eggs you will get from your ock depends on chickens fed a diet containing a high concen- certainly not
the time of year, the breed of hen, their age and tration of soy iso avones. This simply means
type of feed. Chickens bred to be good egg-layers you’ll add eggs from soy-fed chickens to your necessary for
average ve to six eggs a week, but will start to list of phytoestrogenic foods to avoid. raising
slow down after the second year of life. Soy is a new addition in chicken feed, as it chickens back
Next is the feed. The amount of supplemental was certainly not necessary for raising chickens
feed your girls need will depend on what they back in the olden days. The crux of the issue is in the olden
nd through scavenging and are given in the way protein. Protein is necessary for healthy birds. days.
SUMMER 2008 Wise Traditions 73