Page 66 - Summer2008
P. 66

All Thumbs Book Reviews

         single symbol. This will make the two symbols (solid and broken) become  STRANGE CONCLUSIONS
         four symbols (solid-solid, solid-broken, broken-solid, broken-broken) and     Olree’s theory leads to some very strange
         thus analogous to the four DNA bases (A, G, C, T) and will make the six  conclusions. For example, the RNA codon UGG
         single lines of the hexagram become three line pairs and thus analogous to  codes for the amino acid tryptophan and is asso-
         the three nucleotides of the codon. But this maneuver simply manipulates  ciated with the “subatomic mineral” marconium,
         the I Ching into something it is not.                           the 6:00 PM regeneration of the kidney meridian,
             Moreover, the DNA code is redundant. Although there are 64 codons,  and the cervical disc 7, which itself is associated
         they collectively code for only 21 meanings. Sixty-one of them code for the  with the nerve connected to the thyroid gland.
         twenty amino acids that are incorporated into proteins and three of them  Olree thus concludes that the thyroid gland falls
         act as stop signals. By contrast, each hexagram of the I Ching has its own  under the energy  eld of the kidney and that,
         meaning and each mineral of the Russell table is unique.        since the thyroid gland consumes a great deal
             Both the structure of DNA and the redundancy of the genetic code  of iodine, iodine is the most important element

         make it especially difcult to gure out where in the biological process  for kidney function. Most other practitioners or
         these minerals t in. DNA exists as a double-stranded twist where all of  researchers would set out to test the ability of

         the codons have their binding sites connected to the codons of the opposite  treating the kidney to normalize thyroid function
         strand. The binding patterns are dependent on the individual nucleotides,  or the ability of iodine to normalize kidney func-
         however, and not on the full codon. A always binds to T and C always binds  tion before they would draw such a conclusion.
         to G. A-T and C-G are the only two binding patterns in DNA. If minerals     Olree’s strangest conclusions concern the
         were to somehow t between these bases without completely disrupting  minerals selenium and yttrium—these are also

         the structure of DNA, there would be room only for two, not for 64. When  two of the minerals whose dietary importance

         the cellular machinery makes a protein from DNA, it rst makes a copy  he emphasizes the most, both in the book as
         of messenger RNA (mRNA). The synthesis of the mRNA molecule is  conveyed by Walters and in his own talks.  His
         dependent on the same type of base-pairing that occurs within the DNA  own chart ties the stop codon UGA to yttrium.
         molecule itself, so again there is no room for 64 different minerals in the  Modern science, however, has tied it to selenium.
         process. Protein-producing machines called ribosomes then read the mRNA  Olree thus concludes that selenium is only used
         transcript and molecules called transfer RNAs (tRNAs) act as forklifts that  for the stop codon as a backup mineral when
         bring the appropriate amino acid to the ribosome at the appropriate time  yttrium is de cient, implying that we are suffer-
         so the ribosome can connect the amino acids together and make a protein.  ing from a widespread yttrium de ciency. Yet
         Each tRNA molecule has an “anti-codon” that corresponds to one or more  modern science has not tied selenium to the stop
         codons of the mRNA, but there are not 64 tRNAs; there are only 20, each  codon; rather, it has shown that the UGA codon
         one corresponding to one of the 20 amino acids.  Thus, it makes little sense  when  adjacent  to  certain  selenium  insertion
         that the codons of the mRNA molecule would require 64 different minerals  sequences can code for the modi ed amino acid
         to interact with 20 different tRNA anti-codons.                 selenocysteine instead of the stop site.  Olree
             Moreover, the nature of biology is to conservatively utilize the least  seems completely unaware of the fact that every
         number of patterns possible. For example, a basic zinc-requiring nger-  single selenoprotein in the body incorporates

         shaped pattern called a “zinc nger motif” repeats itself over and over  selenocysteine in this manner. He is adamant that
         again in molecules that interact with DNA, rather than each molecule  selenium must be taken in as selenomethionine,

         requiring a different mineral to make the nger.  There are thousands of  which often occurs in plants and plays no known
         proteins that incorporate zinc because of its unique structural utility, but  role in the animal body, but makes no mention
         other minerals like aluminum are not known to coordinate the structure  of selenocysteine, the form commonly found in
         of any proteins because their properties are less useful or even harmful.  animal foods like liver. 5

         Olree’s theory, by contrast, posits the use of 64 different minerals to fulll     In addition to his speculation that selenium’s
         very similar or identical functions within a single system and thus violates  connection to the UGA codon is a result of yt-
         the basic principles of how biological systems are designed.    trium deciency, Olree also discovered “clear

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