Page 84 - Summer2009
P. 84

Soy Alert!

                                     CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT:
                                 UPDATE ON THE ILLINOIS SOY PRISON CASE
                                                 By Sally Fallon Morell

                                  When Rod Blagojevich was elected gover-  requests for a soy-free diet are denied. The men
                              nor of Illinois in 2002, he immediately made a  are told, “If you don’t like the food, don’t eat it.”
                              change in the prison diets. Beginning in January  That means that unless they can afford to pur-
                              2003, inmates began receiving a diet largely  chase commissary food, they must eat the soy
                              based on processed soy protein, with very little  food or starve. To date we have heard from over
                              meat. In most meals, small amounts of meat or  one hundred inmates describing their symptoms
                              meat by-products are mixed with 60-70 percent  and begging for an end to the soy-based diet.
                              soy protein; fake soy cheese has replaced real     In October, 2008, we sent an “Open Letter to
                              FKHHVH  DQG VR\ ÀRXU RU VR\ SURWHLQ LV QRZ DGGHG  President-Elect Barack Obama” as a press release
                              to most of the baked goods.                (see
                                  The governor’s justification for replac-  letter.pdf). This letter was widely circulated on
                              ing nutritious meat and cheese with toxic soy  WKH LQWHUQHW DQG VHQW WR HYHU\ HOHFWHG RI¿FLDO LQ
                              SURWHLQ ZDV ¿QDQFLDO²WR ORZHU WKH HQRUPRXV  the state of Illinois, with a follow-up phone call.
                              costs of running the Illinois Department of Cor-  The result: silence. No response, and no articles
                              rections. However, the likely reason is payback  in major media.
                              for campaign contributions from Archer Daniel
                              Midlands, the main supplier of soy products to  LAWSUIT
                              the Illinois prisons.                         :LWK HOHFWHG RI¿FLDOV WXUQLQJ WKHLU EDFNV
                                                                         on the plight of prisoners, our only recourse is
                              SUFFERING OF INMATES                       the courts. The Weston A. Price Foundation has
                                  Early in 2007, the Weston A. Price Foun-  hired an attorney to represent several inmates
                              dation began hearing from inmates who were  incarcerated in the Illinois Department of Cor-
                              suffering from a myriad of serious health prob-  rections system. The Foundation’s attorney
                              lems due to the large amounts of soy in the diet.  has entered his appearance on behalf of three
                              These prisoners had found us through the Soy  inmates, has had contacts with several other
                              Alert! section of our website. Complaints include  inmates, has served several subpoenas upon the
                              chronic and painful constipation alternating  wardens of several facilities for documents and
                              with debilitating diarrhea, vomiting after eating,  other information, and has informed the Court
                              sharp pains in the digestive tract, especially after  that additional inmates will soon be named in an
                              consuming soy, passing out, heart palpitations,  amended complaint.
                              rashes, acne, panic attacks, insomnia, depression     The lead case is captioned Harris et al. v.
                              and symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low  %URZQ  HW DO   &DVH 1R       FY        DQG LV
           The suffering      body temperature (feeling cold all the time), brain  currently pending before the Honorable Harold

          of these men        fog, fatigue, weight gain, frequent infections and  Baker in the United States District Court for the
                                                                         Central District of Illinois. The suit seeks an
                              enlarged thyroid gland. Since soy contains anti-
         is intense and       fertility compounds, many young prisoners may  injunction putting a halt to the use of a soy-laden
           medical care       be unable to father children after their release.  diet in the prison system.
                                  The suffering of these men is intense and
          is palliative at      medical care is palliative at best. Many have had  HOW YOU CAN HELP
                     best.    sections of their digestive tract removed, but all  Donations to the Weston A. Price Foundation

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