Page 79 - Summer2009
P. 79

Tim’s DVD Reviews

          better job of explaining all of that (and is a much  scenes in this movie. In spite of this lack it still
          better DVD overall).                      has some redeeming value. Biodynamic farming
              For those contemplating liposuction it might  expert Peter Proctor is on a mission to convert
          EH JRRG WR ZDWFK WKH ¿UVW SDUW RI WKH YLGHR EXW  Indian farms to organic or biodynamic farming
          HYHQ WKHUH RQH ZRQ¶W ¿QG PXFK DERXW WKH DVVRFL-  methods. Many farmers there are receptive, es-
          ated risks. In summary, thumbs down.      pecially after their experience with Monsanto.
                                                    Financial ruin was not the worst of it. About
          Ripe for Change                                   ,QGLDQ IDUPHUV KDYH FRPPLWWHG VXL-
          Produced by Beyond the Dream LLC          cide since 1993. This is blamed mainly on crop
          Broadcast on PBS                          failure when using, or trying to use Monsanto’s
                                                    genetically engineered seeds. They are ready to
              Local food is promoted heavily in this video.  try something else now.
          Early on we see a striking image of farmers in     This DVD gives you a lot of different views
          ZKDW ORRNV OLNH VSDFH VXLWV VSUD\LQJ WKHLU ¿HOGV   of India. One thing all these views have in com-
          What’s wrong with that picture? The problems  mon, both in cities and out in the countryside,
          with chemicals are explained in some detail.  is bovine presence. Cows are everywhere. What
          The featured chemical is the herbicide Atrazine,  a great country! Contrary to what some would
          which scrambles sexual characteristics in frogs  have us believe about harming the environment,
          DQG ¿VK  6ZLVV FRPSDQ\ 6\QJHQWD PDNHV WKH  they understand that what comes out of the back
          stuff but it has never been legal in Switzerland  of the cow (not milk) is critical to restoring dam-
          and is banned all over Europe. The points made  aged and depleted soil.
          LQ WKH ¿OP DUH JRRG DV IDU DV WKH\ JR EXW VRPH-     What struck me most was the interview with
          thing is missing.                         D JRYHUQPHQW DJULFXOWXUH RI¿FHU  +H ZDV ³KDSS\
              “Ripe for Change” talks about sustainability.  and astonished as they [farmers] could solve
          Sustainability is good but except for a shot or two  their own problems.” They were “working like
          of chickens and a few dogs, I see no animals in  scientists.” Interesting how city slickers all over
          this DVD. Where are the beeves? Farmers I have  WKH ZRUOG ¿QG LW VXUSULVLQJ WKDW VPDOO IDUPHUV
          talked to point out that crops take a lot out of the  are actually quite an intelligent bunch. The main
          soil and it isn’t easy to put the nutrients back. It’s  difference between India and the U.S. is that as
          impossible with conventional fertilizer. The best  VRRQ DV 8 6  RI¿FLDOV VHH IDUPHUV VROYLQJ WKHLU
          fertilizer comes from a cow. Better yet, lots of  own problems, they start considering legislation
          FRZV  (YHQ WKH YDOLG SRLQWV LQ WKLV ¿OP DUH QRW  to put an end to it. Gandhi believed in food sov-
          exactly dramatically new revelations for anyone  HUHLJQW\²WKH ULJKW RI DOO SHRSOH WR GH¿QH WKHLU   One goal is
          slightly informed on the subject. And no cows.  own food and agriculture free of international   to convert
          Thumbs down.                              market forces.
                                                        There is a lot of other philosophizing at the   all of India
          How to Save the World                     HQG RI WKH ¿OP ZKLFK , ZLOO OHDYH WR WKH YLHZHUV   to organic or
          Cloud South Films, Ltd.                   to decide what they think. One goal is to convert   biodynamic
          Narrated by Peter Coyote                  all of India to organic or biodynamic within the
                                                    next decade. I’m sure Monsanto would be happy   within the
              There are no pyrotechnics or car chase  to hear that. Thumbs up for this one.    next decade.

          SUMMER 2009                                Wise Traditions                                           77
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84