Page 76 - Summer2009
P. 76

All Thumbs Book Reviews

         proof. “America,” she says, “has become the world’s greatest medicine  her shower doctors with gifts and cash. Surveys
         show.” And the drug merchants have become America’s most powerful  show that virtually every American physician
         industry.                                                       now takes these handouts.” In return, of course,
             In the section “The Rise of the Medicine Merchants,” Petersen reports  the doctors are expected to provide “scripts” (that
         ing strategies of the largest pharmaceutical companies over science, the     Since only about ten percent of the sticker
         practice of medicine, and even the American way of life.        price of most brand name prescriptions is needed
             Drug marketers pitch their wares to the public via every means avail-  to cover raw materials and manufacturing costs,
         able and in every niche into which they can insinuate themselves, such  the industry is rolling in dough while taxpayers
         as state fairs, shopping malls, churches, NASCAR races, on television,  are emptying their pockets. “With their hoards
         ELOOERDUGV  VFRUHERDUGV  DQG WKURXJK QRQSUR¿W IRXQGDWLRQV ZKRVH ³RXW-  of cash,” writes Petersen, “the companies have
         reach” activities are funded by the drug companies.             readily handed money to patient groups, hos-
             For example, doctors in Iowa sometimes referred young patients to a  pitals, universities, medical schools, physician
         QRQSUR¿W JURXS FDOOHG WKH 0DJLF )RXQGDWLRQ  RUJDQL]HG E\ PRWKHUV ZLWK  societies, government agencies, and just about
         children with rare growth disorders. As Petersen reports, “Over the years,  any organization they want on their side. Har-
         the foundation had accepted thousands of dollars from the companies  YDUG  IRU RQH  KDV D OHFWXUH KDOO QDPHG IRU 3¿]HU
         selling prescription growth hormone products. In a campaign in the early  in a building named for Mallinckrodt, another
         1990s, the Magic Foundation, as well as another group, the Human Growth  FRPSDQ\ ´ ,QGXVWU\ PRQH\ LQÀXHQFHV DFDGHPLD
         Foundation, had measured the height of children in public schools. The  and what new “blockbuster” drugs will receive
         screeners suggested that the shortest children visit their doctors for medical  money for research. Whether this new drug will
         treatment. Most of the schools and the parents did not learn that the two  help or harm people is not important as long as it
         foundations had received most of their funding for the school screenings  ZLOO LQFUHDVH SUR¿WV IRU FRPSDQ\ VKDUHKROGHUV
         from Genentech and another hormone manufacturer. . .               Are there no checks and balances? What
             “The Magic Foundation. . . continued to recommend hormone injec-  about the Food and Drug Administration, or
         tions to short children and their parents and describe the drugs in ways the  &RQJUHVV" ³7KH GUXJ FRPSDQLHV¶ FKDLQ RI LQÀX-
         manufacturers could not do without breaking the law. A story published  ence is so complete that there are few people left
         in the foundation’s glossy magazine that I picked up at a pediatricians’  to look objectively at the effects of their products
         FRQIHUHQFH LQ      ZDV HQWLWOHG  µ0H DQG 0\ *URZWK +RUPRQH ¶ 7KH VWRU\  on the nation’s health or at the consequences of
         began, ‘I was short. My little sister was taller than me. Kids at school picked  their power for society. . . . Washington is the
         on me and called me names.’ The tale continued with the child getting  axis of the industry’s power. The pharmaceuti-
         growth hormone injections and growing so much his pants got too short.  cal companies spent more on lobbying between
         ‘I’m almost grown now,’ the story ended. ‘I’m in the normal range on a       DQG      WKDQ DQ\ RWKHU LQGXVWU\  %\
         growth chart. Growth hormone is like a miracle drug.’”          the companies employed a legion of lobbyists
             It might come as a surprise that even though drug advertising is every-  so large that there were more than two for each
         where and directed at everyone from young children to their grandparents,  member of Congress. By using their wealth to
         the vast majority of the industry’s marketing dollars is actually reserved for  EX\ LQÀXHQFH  WKH GUXJ FRPSDQLHV KDYH UHSHDW-
         physicians. Cynically viewed as the trusted “gateway” to new customers,  edly squelched attempts to regulate their prices
         physicians are aggressively and lavishly courted by drug company sales  and promotional practices.”
         UHSV  $FFRUGLQJ WR 3HWHUVHQ  ³,Q      WKH LQGXVWU\ HPSOR\HG DQ DUP\ RI     The pharmaceutical industry has won other
         101,000 sales representatives to call on those doctors—two and a half  ODZV WKDW DOORZ FRPSDQLHV WR SUR¿W IURP UHVHDUFK
         WLPHV WKH VL]H RI LWV VDOHV IRUFH LQ       7KHUH LV QRZ RQH GUXJ VDOHVSHUVRQ  and medical discoveries made by taxpayer-
         for every six physicians, each with an expense account that lets him or  funded scientists; to prolong patent protection
         74                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2009
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