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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              Deceptively Delicious:                     us to bake with canola oil, vegetable oil, nonstick
                              Simple Secrets to Get                      cooking spray and “trans-fat-free” tub margarine
                              Your Kids Eating Good Food                 spread. Not only are these ingredients highly
                              By Jessica Seinfeld                        processed, but they are also high in omega-6 fats
                              Collins Living, 2008                       and dangerously rancid when heated. And this is
                                                                         a cookbook of recipes for our children!
                                  As an avid cookbook reader and cook, I was     ,W VDGGHQV PH WKDW WKLV FRRNERRN LV À\LQJ RII
                              excited to receive a copy of Deceptively Deli-  the shelves. Thousands of loving mothers think
                              cious by Jessica Seinfeld as a gift. The cookbook  that they are doing a good thing just because
                              contains numerous “kid-friendly” home-style  they are getting their children to eat hidden
                              recipes using various hidden fruits and veg-  vegetables.
                              etables to “enhance the nutrition.” Unfortunately     7KHUH DUH VHULRXV ÀDZV LQ QHDUO\ DOO RI WKH
                              this book is yet another case of a well-meaning  recipes. Let’s start with the eggs. Nearly every
                              celebrity wife and mother perpetuating the low-  recipe that uses eggs calls for throwing out
                              fat nutrition dogma.                       most or all of the yolks. Someone needs to let
                                  In the book’s foreword, Drs. Roxana Mehran  Mrs. Seinfeld know that the yolks are the most
                              and Mehmet Oz blame heart disease and diabetes  nutrient-dense part of any egg. Adding a half
                              on “too much starch, sugar and saturated fat.” I  cup of puréed carrots or squash will add some
                              read on, expecting the recipes to limit all three of  ¿EHU WR D UHFLSH EXW ZLOO QHYHU PDNH XS IRU WKH
                              these ingredients. What I found is a collection of  fat-soluble nutrients, including true vitamin A,
                              recipes that almost completely avoid saturated fat  that are lost when you discard the egg yolks.
                              EXW VWLOO XVH SOHQW\ RI ÀRXU  ERWK ZKLWH DQG ZKROH  Using nonfat yogurt and trans-free soft spread
                              ZKHDW  DQG UH¿QHG VXJDU  *LYHQ P\ NQRZOHGJH RI  instead of butter in the same recipe will ensure
                              nutrition (based on personal experience, several  that your unsuspecting children will lack the es-
                              years of research and the advice of the Weston  sential saturated fats and nutrients they need to
                              A. Price Foundation), I would much rather see  convert the beta-carotene in those puréed carrots
                              recipes for children that use more saturated fat  to usable vitamin A.
                              while reducing the starch and sugars.         From breakfasts to desserts, this cookbook
                                  Deceptively Delicious is designed to  gives us a surplus of carbohydrates and lean
                              resemble an old-fashioned cookbook so I ex-  proteins while neglecting the important fats and
               Someone        pected plenty of “from scratch” recipes using  fat-soluble vitamins that every child needs. For

            needs to let      real ingredients. Hiding vegetables in food is  example, the pumpkin oatmeal recipe uses skim
                              nothing new. I imagine that mothers have been  milk and a full quarter cup of brown sugar for
           Mrs. Seinfeld  fortifying their children’s foods in this way for  two servings. Mrs. Seinfeld then suggests serv-
              know that       as long as we have had graters and blenders.  ing the sugar-laced oatmeal with dried fruit and

           the yolks are      (My own great grandmother was famous for her  nuts and maple syrup. In my own kitchen, I made
                              zucchini cookies.) Many of the foods that Jessica  the recipe using well-soaked oats, whole milk
                the most  Seinfeld promotes in her cookbook, however, are  and a quarter cup of butter instead of the brown
                nutrient-     very new to the human race. I was not surprised  sugar. With the pumpkin purée and pumpkin pie
              dense part      EXW GH¿QLWHO\ GLVDSSRLQWHG WR ¿QG WKDW VKH XVHV  spices it was still very sweet to my taste.
                              lowfat dairy products, tofu, cold cereal and lean
                                                                            If the sugar-rich breakfasts and baked
             of any egg.      PHDWV  , ZDV PRUH DODUPHG WR ¿QG WKDW VKH ZDQWV  goods are making you crave some protein, be
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