Page 71 - Summer2009
P. 71

All Thumbs Book Reviews

          Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition: Self Care for   ludes to the importance of zinc for male fertility,
          Improved Cycles and Fertility. . . Naturally!  thyroid health and prevention of birth defects,
          Marilyn M. Shannon                        she doesn’t mention the fact that all those whole
          The Couple to Couple League International  grains she recommends block zinc uptake. Red
                                                    PHDW DQG VKHOO¿VK  WKH EHVW VRXUFHV RI ]LQF  DUH
              Marilyn Shannon takes on the task of help-  not listed in her “foods to emphasize.” Does
          ing women (and men) improve their reproductive  Shannon recommend lowfat or fullfat milk?
          plenty of whole plant foods: grains, beans, nuts,  whole-fat dairy products over low-fat ones. (Raw
          vegetables, seeds and fruits.” Never mind the  milk is not even considered.) Shannon seems to
          fact that this kind of diet has caused reproduc-  WKLQN WKDW ÀD[ RLO LV WKH FXUH IRU HYHU\WKLQJ  EXW
          tive problems in a whole generation of educated  soy oil (loaded with rancid omega-3 fatty acids)
          health food enthusiasts. Shannon gives lip ser-  LV DOVR ¿QH EHFDXVH ³IRU PDQ\ SHRSOH  VR\ RLO LQ
          vice to animal protein, milk, eggs and butter, and  salad dressings is unfortunately the only source
          ZDUQV DJDLQVW UH¿QHG VZHHWHQHUV  VRIW GULQNV   of omega-3 essential fatty acids. . .”
          caffeine, margarine, shortening and soy foods,      Shannon applies these contradictory and
          but falls far short of advocating the kind of diet  sketchy dietary principles to a list of reproductive
          that can bestow fertility on the infertile, and  problems—PMS. heavy periods, endometriosis,
          good health on women suffering from hormonal  infertility, thyroid problems, PCOS—each with
          problems. Cold breakfast cereals, microwaved  a slight tweak of the supplement regime. While
          food, pasta, vegetarian diets, lots of goitrogenic  avoiding sugar, sodas, soy foods and margarine
          raw vegetables and millet, canola oil and yeasted  will certainly help men and women improve
          ZKROH ZKHDW EUHDG ZLWK DGGHG JOXWHQ DUH DOO ¿QH  their reproductive health, the other side of the
          with Shannon, while she offers nary a mention  equation—replacing these so-called foods with
          of the nutrient-dense foods so vital for good  nutrient-dense superfoods—seems to have gone
          health—raw milk, organ meats, grass-fed ani-  over Shannon’s head. Maybe this is because she
          mal products, cod liver oil, nourishing broths,  relies heavily on the dietary advice of supplement
          lacto-fermented foods and properly prepared  pushers Guy Abraham and Julian Whitaker and
          whole grains. Instead she recommends a ton of  plant-based diet-advocate Jorge Chavarro.
          supplements.                                  In a book full of weaknesses, the section on
              The overall impression of this book is one  birth defects is the weakest of all. For Shannon,
          of confusion. For example, Shannon recom-  folic acid is the knight in shining armor for birth
          PHQGV ¿VK OLYHU RLO  QRW IRU YLWDPLQV $ DQG '   defect prevention—to take in supplement form.
          but for essential fatty acids. Later she states that  No mention of vitamins A, D and K, no empha-
          ³WUXH YLWDPLQ $ IURP ¿VK RLO KHOSV WKH WK\URLG  sis at all on the importance of child spacing. In
          gland.” But there is little if any vitamin A in  IDFW  6KDQQRQ FRXQVHOV RQH ZRPDQ LQ KHU   V
          ¿VK RLO²RQO\ LQ ¿VK liver oil. If oatmeal causes  who already has many children to do whatever
          digestive problems, Shannon recommends yo-  possible to have more children in spite of recent   The overall
          gurt or a product called Beano, not overnight  miscarriages—a sure message that it’s time to  impression of
          soaking. She dedicates a section of her book to  stop having children.               this book is
          yeast overgrowth seemingly oblivious to the role     A big thumbs down for this confusing,
          played by improperly prepared whole grains in  sloppy, contradictory book.           one of
          feeding yeast infections. An although she al-                   Review by Sally Fallon  confusion.

          SUMMER 2009                                Wise Traditions                                           69
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